Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

You catch me with this every time. Your timing is superb


Unfortunately be surprised if pubs get the ok to open next week

The Doctors won’t let it happen

not a chance with the headcases advising the government

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They haven’t gone away you know

Is 40/50/60 cases a day not actually reasonable enough out of a population of 4.5m…?

This thing is marauding through the world, from the US to South America to Asia to Europe. As long as there’s travel into and out of the country we are never, ever going to get to 0 deaths and 0 cases.

Protect the sick, elderly and vulnerable - by all means - but the economic suicide and resulting late diagnoses of cancer screenings etc - will be far more damaging than 300 or 400 young people a week picking up a flu that they’ll be recovered from after a week or two.

Not politically correct to say that though.


I fell for that one. Was surprised at the spike😅

It’s a tiny number and seems to be consistently staying at that level.

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Fuck you. I was climbing back under the bed there

The curve is flattened. That was the plan.
If opening the pubs proves to be an issue they can shut them again. The same as other countries have done.


After I typed it I ran to the front door and I could hear an echo of beds being lifted and slammed down that stretched the length of the country.


No drink, no matches, no riding, no holidays, no work. Not a lot for Paddy to do.

Ah there’s still matches. As long as we have our GAA club action.

Sure it’ll be fine. The LIDTF crew have assured us the economy will be grand.

I foresee no issues

Midland counties leading the way again today. Kildare, Laois, Offaly. Is it the same factory workers?

2 factories

Looking at Denmark a similar sized country to ourselves albeit with a million more people they seem to averaging around 65 daily new cases over the past week.

Close the Midlands and Dublin
OIUTF for the rest of the country

Despite lockdown? The one that started Friday?

@Fagan_ODowd’s county case counter is going to become all the more important. Dublin was hit disproportionately hard at the start which tracks most urban centres in Europe, you’d expect some rural areas will be more predisposed to spikes now as well.

Victoria has had stricter restrictions that the rest of Australia for some time