Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Could Dublin be nearing herd immunity?

Eh we’re talking about Melbourne. How have cases risen due to the Lockdown which is a few days old?

I doubt it given the hard lockdown but it will have more exposure for sure.

Has Herd Immunity been proven 100% yet??

I’ve stopped doing it. RTÉ has been giving the headline figures the last few days. My work is done.

If at the end of April when the country was confined to 2km from their house, everything was shut and still there were close to a thousand cases a day and two hundred deaths - you told people that in three months time, we’d have a lot of things open, you could travel wherever you wanted in Ireland, we’d have no deaths and 60 cases a day confined in the main to meat plants then I think most people would have taken that. However by the end of May early June we had got it so low that some people assumed it could be eradicated. I suspect without a complete denial of civil liberty it can’t.


Considering all the “incidents” on social media that didn’t cause spikes it may be levelling out in the capital. Look at NYC and Milan cases have been dropping significantly after the initial spike.

Herd immunity is a real concept, yes.

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For COVID-19?

Are there not varying reports to support or dispute the notion?

I reckon a lot of the at risk and high exposure areas of Dublin have been hit. That would be your nursing homes and also more crapes inner city housing. Indeed the north inner city was hit quite hard. Quite a bit of suburbia won’t have been though.

It will certainly have an impact though, you can’t deny what is happening in Milan or NYC as you say. Or Stockholm.

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Imho only realistic option left after months of suppressing the virus hasn’t worked. I’ve no confidence in a vaccine being produced and if there is ive no confidence in a rushed vaccine

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Cases will remain high and worst hit places will perform better than at first, I don’t see the deaths raising with any significance. The people who would be most affected by the virus are sadly dead due to the failings of the nursing homes and processes to protecting them

There is a feeling that antibodies do not last but that doesn’t mean a degree or immunity doesn’t.

It isn’t an accident that the places getting hit hard (i think that’s a relative word here because we know so much more about the virus now) now are not the same. This guy is an interesting follow

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Another interesting piece on the rise in cases in the U.K.

The question is whether immunity to Covid-19 exists and the answer is yes as otherwise people would not be recovering from the illness and we know most people recover. If immunity exists then herd immunity can be achieved either naturally or via a vaccine. If immunity did not exist we are wasting our time on a vaccine.

There is some evidence that for a small percentage of people the immunity to corona viruses (not just this one) is weak and they may be susceptible to future Infection with the same virus. We see this with some versions of the common cold.

There is also some evidence that some people who have had coronavirus infections (the common cold type) have a natural immunity to Covid-19. This number could be quite large and could mean the threshold to reach herd immunity could be much lower than originally thought, like 20% rather than 70%. That could explain why areas that had such large outbreaks are not seeing second waves.

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The HiV scare in the 80s was well before my time but for lads who were how does this compare? We haven’t a cure yet 30 years after but some advanced treatments.

It’s different - people were terrified of it but it was viewed as a disease that was largely confined to drug users using needles or gay men with lots of partners. If you had unprotected sex you’d be a bit nervous alright but irrationally so. However it did change behaviours in that people started to use condoms. It led to blood subs rule too. Our behaviour and attitudes did change because of it.

The other big fear and maybe urban myth was being mugged by a junkie with a blood filled syringe or being pricked by one.

There was a huge HIV stigma to the extent people did not disclose having it or indeed being gay lest they be discriminated against.

There is a view that HIV and the subconscious fear it instilled led to the explosion of vampire movies from that time to recent times.

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This scaremonger back for another shot at celebrity.

its insane that people like him are given a platform

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