Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Hardly. It’s nonsense they can’t put in place regulations to make this safe.

So because you’ve read someone say somewhere that the effectiveness is questionable you think it’s entirely unreasonable to require masks? Despite most experts saying they greatly reduce risk and most EU countries having similar rules in place, because you’ve decided it’s “questionable” you have a problem with it?

Does that really make sense to you?

David McCullough in his pandying to Stephen Donnelly last night said that current numbers of Covid are similar to the levels they were when the outbreak occurred so yesterday’s decision can’t come as much of a surprise to anyone.

That’s the standard of questioning that the media has in relation to taking people to task on such massive decisions.

No it’s not. There are club matches on and pubs open.

Ask what seems to a “tough” (and probably pre-notified) question, but then just accept the answer with no follow up. It’s a fuckin charade


Ffp2 masks are rated for 0.3 of microns and coronavirus is between 0.6 and 1.4 microns. My job was to get ensure the supply of these masks for work in March as they are required for the job. Anything less is useless according to EU safety regulations

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You’d miss Vincent Browne, for all his faults he offered some critical thinking.

It’s laughable seeing Matt Cooper, Gav Reilly, McCullagh, George Lee, Tubridy, Claire Byrne and the rest of them all towing the Government line AKA “wearing the green jersey.”

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Sure Yatesy was calling out the bluffing and you were criticising him for fear mongering :roll_eyes:

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What about everyone walking around with homemade cloth masks? what are they rated?

The HIV scare was worse. I remember the priest coming to give a talk to the class, and telling us he expected to be at more of our funerals than our weddings.

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Is there a difference between compulsory and mandatory?

Not useless.
The virus is largely transmitted in little globules of spittle. Any kind of mask at all will hugely reduce these spraying about the place.


It’s spread in very, very, very close quarters tho - There’s a reason why no supermarket staff are wearing them - 0.02% of cases transmitted in supermarkets and the likes.

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I think we either all wear masks indoors, or no-one does.
Masks work by significantly reducing the chance of the person wearing it passing on covid. There’s not much point me wearing one if the lad in the supermarket is an asymptomatic spreader, and isn’t.

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I have no doubts your wife is a highly intelligent, educated and qualified medically practitioner flatty but has she been vetted by the TFK medical expert panel?

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I can get on board with that - and while your at ti, can you supply me with a proper medically approved mask so I dont have to resort wearing a condom over my head like @glasagusban

You only seem to take on board the medical opinions that validate your own beliefs and you’ll dimiss all other equally qualified medical opinions that dont.