Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Significant clusters of new Covid-19 cases have been identified in direct provision centres, among the Traveller community and in meat factories, according to advice given to Government by public health officials.

The National Public Health Emergency Team (Nphet) highlighted the number of clusters in all three settings and among people in the Roma community and in homelessness services when warning against entering into Phase Four of the Government’s Roadmap for Reopening Society and Business.

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The Government agreed with the advice and decided to postpone the reopening of pubs and increasing the limits on the number of people who can attend indoor and outdoor gathering. has seen Nphet’s advice which identifies “significant and growing concerns” about the number of outbreaks among vulnerable groups and those living in direct provision settings. They also said there have been “significant outbreaks” identified in the construction and food production sectors.

Taoiseach: Pubs to remain closed and public gathering numbers unchanged

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Health officials said there have 37 new outbreaks in the past week bringing the total to 2,319 overall with 188 remaining active.


This included 21 outbreaks in Direct Provision Centres involving 235 individual cases – and 47 new cases centre in four clusters were identified in the last week.

Separately, there have been 10 coronavirus outbreaks among the Traveller Community which involved 89 people testing positive for Covid-19. In the past week, 21 new cases relating to two clusters have been linked to the Traveller community.

Health officials identified 51 workplace clusters of the virus with almost half (24) linked to meat processing plants around the country. There have been two outbreaks in meat factories in the last week involving 47 new cases.

There have been four outbreaks in the Roma community since the start of the pandemic involving 42 people testing positive for the virus. There have been four outbreaks involving 15 people in homelessness services.


Oh wait, nevermind.

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You calling yourself medically qualified now?

Is that what you read? Have you your mask pulled down below your eyes?

Like a pair jocks

I didnt think there was a difference but they changed the wording, I believe you can be refused into a shop when its mandatory, again I thought that was the case with compulsory. There is no law in place to enforce this. Its all over the place

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No one here is an expert. A few pretend they are but if they were any good they wouldn’t be on here all day.

I’m not sure anyone on here ever claimed to be an expert? Name and shame if they have.

You’re not on here too much so you probably didn’t notice.

Masks are great for having a solid snot clearing in the middle of the store and noone knowing the difference

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A work colleague was telling me he got caught out when going for a piss into the urinal.

Out of habit he’d spit into the Urinal. Forgot he’d the mask on :sweat_smile:


Between getting to blame the refugees, the travellers and foreigners the racists must be frothing at the mouth

And the biffos. Don’t forget the biffos

Donnelly expects ‘very little need’ to police wearing of face coverings

Again explains FA. He claims shops can turn away customers and it will be put on a statutory basis. But with what law?

It’s all made up on the hoof. No plan, just hope for the best.

The people will be happy to wear the green Jersey. Could be a handy excuse for not calling an election, still in phase 3.

Lot of hullabaloo about nothing here. Regardless of how you feel about masks, it’s a very easy task to control/monitor at individual store level.

I bitch and moan about it here, shouting to the void, but I put them on so people working in the shop arent paid enough to listen to me give out.

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Are you wearing your face mask properly?

You know what else can cause it to be ineffective? The fact that it’s scientifically proven to be ineffective