Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Proof please…

We had a local doctor make the examiner or echo here the other day - story along the lines of people not seeking treatment for covid, or ignoring symptoms — 'we’re seeing cases of ’ or ‘we’re hearing cases of’

All completely anecdotal stuff - if that was the way Cork would have a spike in cases surely - it’s tipping away with one or two here and there.

You just know Angela and Karen are reading that and running to Facebook to scream at people for not seeking treatment

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There was a number of studies, videos and articles already posted here from experts with that conclusion - A report delivered to the Dail be De Gascun said the evidence on non surgical grade masks is not good.

Social distance still the best tool pal.

Mask create an illusion of safety.

This suggests face masks help prevent somebody spreading it. All part of a package - hand washing, social distancing, face masks

There is, funnily enough, more clinical evidence about face masks than social distancing or hand washing both of which have been More or less accepted as working and useful.

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Just like Limerick pre John Kiely.

Masks have fucked us up.

We were going grand till fellas started wearing them.

Tegnell continues to have no time for masks or face coverings.

Sweden’s top virologist has a message on how to defeat coronavirus: Open schools and no masks



August 5, 2020 11:00 AM GMT+1

Swedish epidemiologist Anders Tegnell of the Swedish Public Health Agency on April 9, 2020 in Solna, Sweden.JONATHAN NACKSTRAND—AFP/GETTY IMAGES

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Just a month ago, Sweden was labeled the “world’s cautionary tale” for its laissez-faire approach to fighting the coronavirus. It famously decided not to close its schools, restaurants or bars, and it told its citizens that there’s no need to mask-up. When the death toll surged in late April, and the country looked overmatched by the fast-moving virus, its officials sounded defensive.

The country’s Public Health Agency developed and implemented Sweden’s approach, and its chief epidemiologist, Anders Tegnell, became the face of the crisis.

He will be continued to be shouted down because of the death rate.

Of all the things to attack him over.


The limit on indoor gatherings means that confirmations/communion classes will be split up into different groups.

Confirmation in Drom is broken into 2 group. Morning and afternoon.

The Bishop will NOT be present.

I’m sure you’ll still make a nice few quid anyway

Sweden’s economy contracted by 8% in Q2 compared to 12% for the Eurozone.

Please god.

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But it’s a moot point.

He has stated that they failed on care homes, which account for a significant portion of their deaths.

It seems as though we cannot take any learnings from them because of this, despite the fact that many countries that locked down had the same failure.

If we are to ignore the advice of people who have made mistakes during the pandemic, the list of people to listen to would be very short.

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Zero deaths

50 cases.

Expect about 150 cases tomorrow. Just as a “we told you it’s right to keep the pubs shut” kind of statement

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Most of the commentary on mortality rates is colored by ideology. Listening to progressives in the US, one would think Democratic governors like Andrew Cuomo did a fine job and the “red states” are a disaster because they are full of hillbillies.

New York has 32,801 deaths (168 per 100k), half of those deaths in nursing homes and Andrew Cuomo handled the pandemic well? South Dakota didn’t lock down at all and has one tenth the death rate of New York (15.4 per 100k).

Locking down healthy populations is resulting in economic disaster, we haven’t even seen the beginning of it yet. The UN are estimating that 260 million people will be facing starvation by the end of 2020, will the LIDTF brigade still think economic collapse was justified if tens of millions die in famines?

Sweden has been used as a stick to beat opponents of broad scale lockdowns. This relies on convincing people based on lies and ignoring the actual pertinent data. Almost all of the deaths in Sweden are in the 70+ age bracket and 70% of those deaths are in the 80+ bracket. The mortality rate for the sub 70 age brackets is way below the mortality rate for the seasonal flu. Sweden got it right in their approach, they got it wrong in terms of implementation and didn’t protect care homes. But as you say literally every other western European country had the same failure, while also destroying their economies.


Wexford :scream_cat: