Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Just a quick question there. Is “progressives” the right term for these lads? I mean a lot of what they want if granted would bring us back to the cave man era where total anarchy would prevail. Is that really progressive like?

In fairness you must see yourself that New York and South Dakota aren’t remotely comparable. In fact it’s a ridiculous comparison. Having said that I would think Cuomo did a poor job.

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4 cases in the community not related to clusters. Similar figure last few evenings. How is it that they keep saying how concern they’re about community transmission? 6 new cases in 1.5million people in the Dublin region. Tis all a cod

11 cases in Wexford. Fuck sake. That’s nearly 5% of the counties total in a single day :astonished:

Commentary in the US is fucked.

I’ve seen some laughable things in the last few days.

Yesterday I saw one “data scientist” claim the second wave was underway in Boston. All because cases have increased from around 20 to 40 in a week. No mention of potential clusters from him, no mention of the fact that this is a tiny increase. His other tweets were going mad about restaurants and reopening schools. A “Democrat” of course.

Another that gained traction a few days ago was the claim from an astrophysicist that there was a fix in the US data from the handover from the CDC in central reporting from July 16th. He split the states down into ones that voted for Clinton and ones that voted for Trump.

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It’s not ridiculous when you look at the rate of infections. New York has 2.3k cases per 100K, south Dakota has 1.0k, it’s not that different. There are plenty other examples, I used it to show the stark difference in mortality rate which is undeniable. Florida has more cases than New York per capita and 20% of the death rate, Arizona has more cases and 30% of the death rate.

Of course there are many factors involved, the age profile and health of the respective populations the biggest ones.

ZERO deaths again

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“Progressive” in the US right now means loony left.


I don’t see what the endgame is here. We’d have to go back into full lockdown to get the cases lower again surely?


The endgame is getting the number of deaths below zero.


Daniel Kahneman was asked what is the one concept that, if appreciated properly, would most improve a person’s understanding (perception) of the world?
Nothing In Life Is As Important As You Think It Is, While You Are Thinking About It.

Covid 19 involves The Focusing Illusion on a heretofore unseen scale.

It’s likely that there will continue to be this level of cases at least going forward, you’d expect. Plenty of places in the country have not been hit very hard with Covid, but strong track and trace systems should hopefully keep it to ripples. Another day of low enough cases from Dublin.

Was it the Dubs or the Bulgarians that got ye in the end?

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I’m going to blame everything I can on the Dubs and their cunting holiday homes and caravans


Fruit picking cluster in Wexford, apparently

Ten times the fatalities of its nearest neighbpurs is hardly a moot point. He’s admitted himself he’d have done it differently had he known then what he knows now. You would obviously defend him having backed him from the start. Unlike you he’s admitted he got it wrong.

They got it wrong in not protecting their vulnerable, just like Ireland, just like the UK, France, Italy, New York, New Jersey, etc. etc. Sweden has 3X the over 70 population of Norway and southern Sweden is far more densely populated than Norway.

The obvious conclusion now is that the focus should have been on protecting the elderly and vulnerable and selective lockdowns of hotspots as they occurred. Locking down the entire population and destroying the economy was a huge mistake, you don’t see that because you are a thicko, but you will see it before too long.


Name them. There are not many countries that did as bad or worse than us for deaths.

Oh sorry this was the Swedish lad. They did fairly bad too I wouldn’t be following the advice of their advisers. Or our ones.

In western Europe? only the UK, France, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, and Sweden.