Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

7th out of 31. Above us are Italy and Spain whose health systems were completely overwhelmed, unlike us. And Sweden and the UK who hardly bothered their arse introducing restrictions at all.

Why did so many people die in Ireland?

You forgot France and Belgium. I wouldn’t believe anything out of former Soviet bloc countries.

Essentially Ireland did as poorly as most of the rest of western Europe, and for the same reasons. Not protecting the vulnerable, especially those in nursing homes.

Not all countries counted deaths in the same way

That’s as much an honesty thing as anything I’d say, why are the worst performing countries in the World some of those with the best health services (us excluded)? Is it because they somehow became shit overnight? Or is it because they were honest, or in some cases added deaths that had nothing to do with covid? Or is it all luck

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I would say the biggest factors are how many old people are in the country, where those old people are and how healthy the various age groups are. One of the reasons southeast Asia has so few deaths is they don’t have many obese people (and they don’t have elderly care homes as such).

Young healthy people are simply not dying from Covid, the death rate for the below 65 age brackets is far lower than the seasonal flu.

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I would say the Asian countries have this mysterious immunity for whatever reason as well.
Japan didn’t lock down in anyway like we did and have the oldest population in the World. Right beside China and had that cruise ship which they made a fuck of as well

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Yeah, it could be they have been exposed to far more coronviruses, they were definitely exposed more to SARS as one example. They also learned a lot from SARS on how to contain an outbreak.

Portugal’s excess deaths vs Covid deaths

@glasagusban you may have been onto something earlier when you were on about johnnies.

I’m sure they’ve just been very unlucky with other illnesses in their population

I was talking about Sweden

I love the way science loves to use vague, interpretative verbs to assert their findings.

Absolute frauds.


Those are all EU countries, you think we just counted better?

We’re just more honest than the rest of Europe? That’s nonsense.



Nice few bob there.

do you know what drives me ape? people who wear the mask but who expose their nose

Curing covid is the new curing Cancer in random food items

Like wearing a disease catcher under your snozz