Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

What does being in the EU have to do with it? Different countries counted Covid 19 deaths differently. See @Copper_pipe 's graph of Portugal’s Covid and then excess deaths above

There was a woman in Florida who died in a car crash listed as a Covid-19 death.


They locked down for months ffs sake. Tokyo was a complete ghost city

You wouldn’t know what to make of their numbers either

I’m baffled by it all to be honest.

The Japs an odd bunch of lads

Nobody knows anything so fellas should stop pretending they do. Not one expert has come out and said they have personally got this all wrong. It’s guess work for the most part.

The EU makes up our peer countries. It’s not very instructive to compare us to Azerbaijan.

Lad at work got the antibody test and, though he had no symptoms at all over the entire spell of the virus, he tested positive. Very tempted to get that done myself now. I’ve been in close proximity to thousands of people, especially early in the pandemic when many travelled from Italy to a cancelled rugby match.

That was gas. Come on in from Italy lads. It’ll make no difference.

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Did he have to pay

You can get it done for €80.

That was insanity.
The fellas who said bringing 000s of lads in from the epicenter of the outbreaks was safe are now the same fellas telling us that we can’t have a pint because it’s not safe.


And me walking around in the middle of them, no masks, no PPE and about to spend the next month only able to go 2km from my house

At your GP or hospital? Can you claim off the ole health insurance

Nothing is free and you can’t claim anything back. A few private clinics are offering it. Google will throw up a few.

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I think he was trialing it for the union, so he probably got it subsidized. I’d be hoping for the same. They might roll it out now seeing as we have a 100% positive rate so far

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