Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

I’d be tempted to get it at that price :eyes:

To what end?
I was offered it for free the last day, and didn’t bother. I couldn’t really see the point tbh.

Have you no curiosity?

There isn’t a uniform way across the EU of counting deaths so your point doesn’t make sense

Be good to know if you had it, you could go over and lick a few Italians then if you wanted without any fear

Worth a short trying to claim something :joy:

We’ve attributed loads of deaths to this thing that we shouldn’t. People who were on deaths door and got a cough.

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Know a few docs and nurses in the QE who have had this antibody test. 2 had antibodies and 4, who’d been on a Covid ward during the height of it, tested negative to antibodies. They were surprised at this but apparently the antibodies test isn’t fully accurate. Boris and his world beating etc.

As an aside , I’m above in the lakes for a few days. Everyone wearing masks in shops and hand sanitizer as you enter and exit. Place still very busy.

T-Cells are the thing now. We are gone beyond Antibodies


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Guy I know in the UK. His wife was sick early in the outbreak with Covid symptoms but the UK weren’t testing fully at the time. They got the antibody test afterwards, she tested negative and he tested positive.

Apparently false negatives are common but not false positive.

Dont the anti bodies fuck off in a lot of people after a short period? waste of money getting it done

They were convinced they’d antibodies due to the fact that they dealt with so many who had it bad. Although one had to have the test three times because they misplaced the first two

Do you seriously think Ireland had more deaths than most of the EU because we count them better and they’re all hiding figures? Come off it.

I heard it from some gomer in the civil service that Ireland is the only country in Europe counting deaths in a believable fashion.

No deaths since 26th July. Zero

close everything

Hopefully we can flatten the curve and, I dunno, bring a few back from the dead maybe?

I never said that. Countries count deaths differently. It’s nothing to do with better or worse. Do you accept this?

That’s great going for a country that is supposedly shit at coronavirus.

Oireland Oireland Oireland