Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

I would class a Public Health doctor and the professor of evidence based medicine at Oxford as an expert, yes.

You said the same about the Swedish chap. He’s admitted he got it wrong.

For someone who highlighted the deaths of alcoholics as a reason to open the pubs you’re really not best placed to add to the debate.

He’s still an expert. Every expert has got it wrong. The error in Sweden is a failure to deploy sufficient resources to care homes, that is similar to many countries that locked down and also similar to Victoria right now. That’s a State that tried mandatory quarantines. You’re a fool to ignore emerging evidence.

Why can’t we all just build public policy on this in a civil way.


If you were to arm public health officials and politicians with the information we know now about Covid in March, there would have been vastly different decisions made.

Why do we persist with poor decisions now? Is it because a 12% GDP fall doesn’t appear all that bad vs a 9% fall? It seems we’ve lost all track of accountability.

If you can share a post where I highlighted the deaths of alcoholics and/or put it forward as a reason to open pubs I’ll Revolut you 1,000 euro now.

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I would assume the sensible thing to do now given the evidence before us would be to close meat factories until we are satisfied that they can operate safely. The general population can revert to vegan, vegetarian or a pescatarian diet for a few weeks. That would probably assist with the general health of the nation in any event.


The dog thefts would go through the roof

Fellas are dug in now.

Good idea to hold a few back. An extra one or two back in April or May would have meant nothing, but the extra 4 today is great for the aul scaremongering


Gives the likes of Claire Byrne and Tony Killeen something to work with

Only option I see is to go full scale lockdown until the whole country has tested negative, create a border with the North not letting anyone in and no air travel whatsoever until its completely eradicated across the world


Yes, I second this plan

Happy new year 3247. Lockdown is finally over


I’d rather die screaming from the coven than let a border go up.

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How can they casually produce these death numbers today to the public without any background to the delay in naming these,

What sort of incompetent cunts have we doing the numbers for this? I’m finding it very hard to believe anything they come out with at this stage,

RIP to those 4 regardless of their deaths.

What possible reason can there be for the delay? It’s a notifiable disease in the middle of a global pandemic and they’re waiting two months to report it


I actually cannot understand it, mate.

Makes no sense, wouldnt get away with it in the private sector. “The man” would knock heads together for that sort of incompetence.

Are they saving deaths for a rainy day?

Gerry Killeen and Dr Tomas Ryan are right.

People would accept that more than the current (non)plan and there’s no real reason why they couldn’t do it.