Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Presumably same craic is continuing here…


We can only hope so.

Its a total shambles, mate.

If deaths had been counted wrong by us then it would be a good thing surely. It would essentially mean that hundreds didn’t die due to negligence.0

I asked him a simple question earlier but he refused point blank to answer it … If an elderly person with compromised immunity catches a cold and dies - is cold written up as the cause of death?

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I wouldn’t trust the Our Father from those cunts

Answer should be no mate clearly, but, now it seems its Covid death if you get struck by a car.

To answer your point, @glasagusban , of course its a good thing that less people died of government negligence since March, but what about the deaths over this since then in relation to cancer, suicides etc, elective operation cancellations?

Its a total shambles in terms of what we’re being told.


I’ve been saying for a long time our management is a shambles and when you are so far out of line with what the rest of Europe is doing you should have a fair idea that you should re-examine your choices.

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Agree fully on that, mate.

I refuse point blank to answer that question. Fuck you.

I don’t think you can die from the common cold, it would need to develop into something more serious which would presumedly be recorded as the cause of death, pneumonia being the prime example

Our politicians and medical experts have spun operation fear from the get go and then tried to blame the public throughout …

It’s a sham.

Meanwhile people’s lives are literally being ripped apart.


Be good news all round. Hopefully the same has happened here, the lethality of the virus is reassessed, our children go back to school and people are allowed open their businesses safely

Everyones lives are being destroyed from what they were before this in terms of choice especially. I just don’t get how people are so willing to accept it, without question.

There’s nothing in this that I’ve seen that justifies the total change in everyones lives particularly the young in terms of schools and colleges that actually makes the measures in place seem proper.

Arguing over pubs, is immaterial in fairness in comparison to potentially socially distancing children. Its a fucking disgrace if they try to do that.


It’s a disgrace that this happened. The standard of public policy debate in west now is a shambles.


You’re right insofar as complications develop from the cold - but you know well what i’m getting at. Older people with compromised immunity will most certainly develop complications from a cold and nearly always die… we dont call it a pandemic.


Ne’er a journalist nor even an opposition to be seen.

It doesnt affect people proportionately either again of course. People who have means and their kids will be absolutely fine. Credit them, but those that don’t are going to be fucked.

Its one sickening virus.

If you feel so strongly about it, strike up a posse and do something about it. Loads of lads on here obviously feel very strongly about this. I’m sure if ye got together and did something about it, it would be better than bitching and moaning on here 24/7 about nobody doing anything about it.

It doesn’t matter.

Big number on the Friday.

Walk it back next week.

There are so many elements to these debates that are just ignored.