Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

The same happened in Roscrea.

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Oh yes, that Burger King could keep a fella going I suppose.

Still it’s most unsatisfactory to be cornered like this. What if you’re not hungry enough by the time you’re passing Birdhill but develop a hunger past Nenagh? If Obama goes, you’d be looking at 2 hours sans burger.

The cold realities of this COVID situation really laid bare

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The plants can do all in their power, but when you have DP workers necking panadol every morning, its unlikely your 80e thermometer is going to be very effective.

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How are people from DP allowed work in these plants? I thought people in DP were unable to get employment while awaiting results of their asylum application.

Human nature as it is means that long term, lockdowns don’t work That’s why Governments avoid them. In the case of Ireland, large sections of society obeyed/respected lockdowns religiously and others did not, be they individuals or employers or kids having house parties. I’d say your average meat plant manager does not give a fuck about the welfare of his workforce, they are cheap, expendable often foreign labour. You either enforce a lockdown mercilessly, suffer the consequences economically and still be at risk of the virus reappearing or you say fuck it and accept the existence of the virus as a part of life, protect the vulnerable and lockdown sectors brutally where clusters develop. But you are never going to eliminate it.


The supreme court ruled against the government on that. So thankfully they now have the right to work.

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True - also a person working in a place where there is a large outbreak needs to have the cop on to stay at home until he gets tested and cleared

Probably don’t get paid when they don’t go to work though.

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The DP centres are riddled.


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This was when plant was closed.

100%. But if a large proportion of your workforce are non nationals they are probably not even following the local news. The locals have no excuse though. That’s why you need contact tracing. The clusters in some of the UK cities like Leicester were coming up in the minorities.

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I wasn’t aware of that thanks. It was bugging me last few days

This should have been done. its been an open secret over the past fortnight that the meat factories and DP centres are teeming with outbreaks, and outbreaks that are being spread into the larger community. Incredible that all the focus has been on the pubs and yet this has been happening under that baldy bastards dome.

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That is true. In Roscrea the workers were loading up with ibrufen or paracetamol or whatever and going to work.

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living and working on top of each other. We have been told whole way through this virus that they are the conditions that the virua thrives. But all NPHET are worried about are pubs and young people spreading it

I’d imagine employees rights in these sorts of places are limited at best. Throw in the fact that some are in direct provision and I’d say the picture is pretty bleak

Meat plant outbreaks is a thing across Europe. It was/is a massive cause of outbreaks in Germany too I recall. There’s a clear pattern of high numbers of cases linked to meat plants. Why aren’t they shutting down meat plants? They must be a bigger vector than pubs. Shouldn’t they at least inspect them before allowing them to operate.

Same happened here. Them and the miners.

Nuke Kildare

I would like to know what percentage of cases are linked to meat plants versus foreign travel and what is the relative economic cost of having either sector open or closed. Seems to me the logical thing to do would be to close meat plants unless they can be shown to operate safely, and restart foreign travel with mandatory testing for unsafe destinations of origin.