Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Meat is killing mankind.

Mandatory testing for anyone arriving from an unsafe country, you have to have a negative test to enter. Simple yet effective surely.

Random testing applies at airports too. Many countries are doing this and testing huge numbers coming in.

It’s taking 2-3 days to turn around a test at the minute. Where do we keep them in the meantime? Direct provision centres?

if they have a positive test what then?

Glas’ gaff

Nah, you can get a test turned around in 24 hours these days.

Some countries are requiring people to have a negative test with 24/48/72 hours of travelling. Up to the people coming in to get them if they’re coming from a hot spot. Tests can be turned around in 6 hours now I don’t know why it takes up 3 days.

You don’t get on a plane without a negative test in hand.


Over in Spain and no wonder the place is f*cked. A lot of ignorant people here who couldn’t care less about masks, social distancing, not pawing food in Lidl and only care about themselves. Their economy relies on pissed up Brits, so tough shite when the shite hits the fan for them.

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So some sort of immunity passport?

Including you obviously :smiley:

Glas doesn’t believe immunity is possible

Unless you have a condom on your head

I’m based out here for now, and wear my mask, and haven’t been to a bar or a cafe since I came back…

I’m disappointed with the stupidity and selfishness of people. I feel let down and now I would say we don’t deserve pubs or GAA until there is a vaccine.

And the mouth swab tests are only 60 per cent accurate. You need the test down the nose to your ears test.

My mate lives in Madrid and is currently staying near Alicante. Says the opposite. Everyone is wearing masks all the time, including on the street, and anyone not wearing one is being challenged by others and told to put one on.

Herd immunity.

How is a negative test an immunity passport?

Wouldn’t be like Mr Cowpat to be putting a negative spin on things.

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