Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Not the kind of article to inspire a Teacher it’s safe to go back in a classroom.

Will unions push for mandatory mask wearing in Schools?

Who knows, very concerning.

That’s untrue. Been in 3 in last week. No driver wearing one, not requested I wear one

The problem will be when pubs open back as normal. I went for dinner Saturday evening and it was fine. Plenty having a few drinks with their meal but everyone pretty much sticking to their groupings.

The concept of your local is you pretty much walk in and everyone kind of mingles about, hard to see how the pubs adapt.

No they’ll just push for mandatory hiding under bed for another nine months.


Everyone will be back working before the teachers.

I doubt it. Theres no need if they’re pushing not to go back to school in the first place.

Wow. You got very, very agitated with me about your privacy earlier on in the lockdown…


If this is a ball hop and I ruin my glasses, I will find you and I will scold you

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Free now app mandates them.

Ones I got we wore masks as did drivers

This is a trick I saw in a barber shop years ago, to stop all the condensation on the windows. It works

I downloaded the app last night #teamgreen

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Is there a Brit version of the app that Claire Swimming or Ed Running can log @flattythehurdler’s temperature on?

Anyone dealing with the general public in any capacity really should be downloading this.

Yes. I’m not really, but my Mrs is on a daily basis and has downloaded it. You’d be selfish not to

Freenow was what I used to book all 3. Had the screen and all passengers had to sit in the back but no sign of masks or any mention of them

The Brit version is a total con job. A work colleague swabbed positive last week having been in the office all week in close contact with numerous people. He’s been told to isolate. None of us have been contacted in any way shape or form.
I’m convinced that Hancock’s app did exactly what it was supposed to do in failing miserably. They also, in Hancock, picked the ideal cover for a miserable failure.
They do not want anyone to isolate really. They want this thing washed through the population. I reckon they are right, bar not giving a flying fuck about the weak and vulnerable who don’t vote.


That point stands. Me choosing to publish something on a public forum, fine. Opposite, not fine.

@Thomas_Brady : I’m not installing the Coronavirus app because it means the government can track my every movement

@Thomas_Brady: can anyone help me get the gps on my chinese made running watch & strava apps working?