Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

@Thomas_Brady: have you seen my funny new Tik Tok video?

I just downloaded it there. You can’t complain about no contact tracing and then complain when they offer something that might help, even if it is way way too late. It might give some people the confidence to come out from under their beds hopefully.
To be fair it seems to be fairly airtight on privacy


The cheap likes brigade hard at it.

Who is not wearing condoms???

It was a zinger tbf.

Do they think other universities will do any different?

“She will spend three weeks out of four studying in the bedroom of her apartment. She got 600 points in her Leaving Cert and could have chosen any college in Ireland. We are really disappointed, they are treating the students like an inconvenience.

For 600 points they’ve probably had the child locked in her room for the last two years anyway, so what’s another semester?


The daughter would be better advised to go tipping down to College Court with a big bag of cans than locked away in Cappavilla under the bed with a big bag of books.


0 deaths

11 cases


The scaremongering and shrieking doesn’t seem to be tallying with the numbers thankfully

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1 death in the last 4 days, that’s great news.

they’ll still be screaming wait till 3 weeks, like after every incident in the past 8 weeks.

It’s been effectively over now for 6 weeks.

The Shane Beattys and Zara Kings of this world are just desperate for a second wave.

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They’ll be as well keeping her at home. She’s been in lockdown for two years now. She’ll be a wreck on the pills by second year if they leave her out

They should have got this new lad in ages ago

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8 cases in Dublin, 2 in Waterford 1 in Cork.

Move off to America or Brazil you ballbag

Stay under the bed for next few years kid. Staying in the dark will make you even more bitter

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Where are you super spreading tomorrow fagan?