Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

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the Irish are a nation of wankers now, servile and gullible, taking it up the arse from the Government, first it was 2008, now this. it was amazing that a once every 1000 year generation of people came around in the early part of the 20th century and had the guts to kick the Brits out, this cod of a virus shows what the Irish are really like, five cacses in Clare and the brendans on facebook are roaring for another lockdown, totally brainwashed


Tbh Laois people probably needed a kick in the hole. We had lads getting tested and sharing cars with teammates. We’d grown careless against the virus. This has been a sharp shock.

The rest of the country should take heed.


That’s why they locked down but people don’t care at this stage.

We can all go about our days in the new normal if we follow the guidelines. Some lads won’t. Which is why we get clusters popping up.

the storm is coming paddy

-20% in a quarter

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5 cases of perfectly healthy people, who maybe one of them would be sick for 2 weeks. Taking this lying down and will take the taxes to pay for it afterwards. Martin went to Europe for a bit of money and came back after giving away 16 billion

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Wolly is cracking

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Isn’t he not a restaurant owner in Portlaoise? It would be hard not crack up.

No he’s not. He never was in fact

He has a point, and platform. No harm have a rant. Doubt it’ll bother the JUNTA

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Unrale. Can’t wait for them at the Picnic

Has anybody checked in on wuhan recently or are they all dead from the virus or have the Chinese air brushed them from history?

I’ve no idea what you’re trying to say here.


How the fuck are you supposed to do a wall of death with that setup?


That doesn’t make it right.

What makes it wrong? A few cranks? Don’t be such a child, it’s not a big imposition, in reality it should have been in effect long ago.

For how long will it be in force? We are over the worst of the virus (that happened when we were advised NOT to wear them).

Call me names (as usual) but I happen to think requiring someone to wear a mask to conduct just about any transaction possible is a big imposition