Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

In tight, confined spaces, that people have to spend a sustained period of time in- masks make sense.
Anywhere else, no sense.


It’s a pain in the arse if you have to wear if for your job but don’t see it as a major hassle to wear it in a shop for thirty minutes.


I don’t usually call you names as you’re generally sound.

We didn’t have masks during the lockdown period. Now we are allowed out and about again and it makes sense to wear them in enclosed spaces. This is broadly accepted apart from a few cranks.

It really isn’t that big an imposition of the alternative if lockdown again.

How long for? That’s being a bit childish and silly again. Until the threat of virus is gone or we find some other way to manage it. How long is a piece of string.

I’ll agree to disagree.

I suppose it comes down to enclosed spaces. On a packed luas, I’d wear one voluntarily. In an airy supermarket (one that’s been just as busy since the lockdown started), I really don’t see the need.

The how long for aspect of my comment is very relevant. These rules, once introduced and normalized, can last an awful long time. I really think there needs to be a very obvious and serious threat to necessitate everyone to wear a mask pretty much everywhere. Will we be wearing them when the cases (hopefully) reduce to single figures? Will the virus need to be completely eradicated? Will you have to take a vaccine before you can remove it?

Its fair to say that masks will stay until vaccine is found.

That could be 20 years

Look at, masks are the least of our problems for the duration of this thing. I’d rather not have to wear one but I’ll get over myself. It’s a bit like when the helmet was made compulsory in the hurling. Lot of lads hated them but got on with it.


I think you’re being a bit silly again. You’ll hardly be taking masks on and off as figures go up and down. Masks help reduce figures, they also help keep them down. So masks stay. If they allow us out and about and to live out lives a bit then again it’s not that big an imposition.

This place would have been gas when seatbelts were made compulsory.


The evidence in new cases would suggest masks have been a total and utter failure here in Ireland.


I would suggest that the current surge in cases has absolutely nothing to do with masks. A huge percentage of them are clusters that are more related to living and working conditions then anything else.


what evidence have you got of that?

Loads. I’ve a file on it. What have you got?


A dossier?

Leos hypocrisy is hilarious stop blame culture yet that’s all tbe mantra for the last 3 months and now the shinnerbot blaming when ffg have bots all over twitter

This is the way of things. All supporters of political parties seem to be a very touchy bunch of people. Say anything critical about the government parties and you are shinnerbot or a leftie commie, say anything about Sinn Fein or the opposition and you are a concannonbot or dictator. :slight_smile:


Keep going lads, ye’ll solve it yet


And leaves no room for people in between to have an opinion, I’d be left leaning myself but you see some far left people and think wtf is going on and if you challenge them you a nazi or with GOD