Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Actual supporters of political parties are weirdos


hardly a big deal to wear a mask into a shop for 2 minutes.


Nothing to solve. It’s only a cod.

Can we put the mask issue to bed. Here are the facts, word of mouth from an expert (an infectious disease specialist). It depends entirely on the environment, if you are infected and coughing/sneezing and even breathing out large volumes of virus, a mask reduces the spread so should reduce risk to others. That’s the main issue, as so many could be infected and not know it.

You would need to be fairly unlucky to encounter an environment where there is a lot of virus in the air, enough to get infected, given current precautions. If you were in a high viral load area, like say a hospital ward with Covid patients, a rag or even surgical mask is fairly useless, you need the full kit, including either goggles or a face shield.

It’s absolutely reasonable to mandate masks in shops and other enclosed environments, and should have been done from the beginning of the pandemic. To those fighting it, you just get used to it. If you think of how the infection is spread, it’s a no brainer really and how it took so long for the WHO and others to figure this out is staggering.


“The only things I can think of was the weekend before, I had used a public toilet while out cycling and may not have washed my hands thoroughly”

His langer gave him Covid.


Or he might have been picking his nose after buying the petrol.

The Kiwis blaming refrigerated goods coming in from abroad for their new outbreak.

They haven’t a monkey’s


Your varied skill set never ceases to amaze me.

Its like an excuse you give the wife after getting the clap

15 cases
0 deaths



Are we in the blue or what colour?

It’s my mate’s wife that’s the source, but I trust her opinion based on her experience. I think the people working close to the action have a better grasp of reality than the ivory tower brigade.

Well that’s that then.

Leo the Lion looking for herd immunity now (which at the current rate of infection would take years) and hinting that the pubs can go swing until the end of the year.

Ireland could need herd immunity from coronavirus, Varadkar warns

  • Focus is ‘to suppress virus to such a level that we don’t see millions of people getting affected’
  • Tánaiste raises prospect pubs may not reopen this year as he declares they could have to ‘make national sacrifice’

Tánaiste Leo Varadkar. Photo: Stephen Collins/Collins Photos

Tánaiste Leo Varadkar. Photo: Stephen Collins/Collins Photos

Senan Molony

August 12 2020 05:29 PM

Ireland could ultimately develop herd immunity to the coronavirus, Tánaiste Leo Varadkar has said, although the focus will to be to suppress the virus “to such a level that we don’t see millions of people getting affected.”

The aim remains that “we don’t get into the situation whereby our health service and our hospitals are overwhelmed, as we have seen happen in some countries”, he said.

After the revelation that New Zealand may have imported the virus in freight, Mr Varadkar said the strategy was “to slow and minimise the virus to get as close to zero as we can in terms of cases”.

But he added it has now proven impossible to prevent outbreaks “in even the most remote places in the world”.

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Ireland would aim “to keep it as low level as possible and minimise infections, minimise the risk of our health service being overwhelmed, which we’ve done successfully - until such time as we develop herd immunity, which will take an extremely long time”.

For every person you encounter there is a 0.02% chance they have the virus, 99.98% they dont.

I would trust the opinion of someone who runs the infectious disease department at a major hospital, how about yourself? What experts do you trust?