Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Thanks be to God I got away this week we’ll be locked down again soon.

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Bring back Tony the new lad can’t handle it


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Nah. There’ll be no more lockdowns

77% of cases reported today are those who are 25 or younger.

2 in Cork, 1 in Donegal, 3 in Dublin, 1 in Kildare, 1 in Limerick, 3 in Tipperary, 2 in Westmeath, 1 in Wicklow gives a total of 14. No idea where the other 9 are.

1 in Cavan

Anyone check their “Exposure checks” on the Covid App?

It shows log has been checked 4 times since I installed it. Most recently 18:27 today.

I think the 10 means I’ve had 10 close contacts that had the app installed.

Does it give you the option to swipe left or right?

I’ve enough of them sort of apps on my phone that aren’t working out for me.

I don’t want another one.

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A date for a substantial meal is the way to go these days. Or a zoom date for any women who are part of the “under the bed” crew!

I must be one if the few to find love during the global pandemic

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Not good…

You found love in a hopeless place


What are exposure checks?

All these years and all you had to do was wear a mask


I’ll wear no mask or any of that nonsense


I’ve seen people lately in traffic wearing these masks in their own cars, on their own, where is the sense in that.

Can’t be good for people, taking in more carbon dioxide than they normally would for sure etc

That’s Darwinism, don’t overthink it


They’re probably afraid of infecting themselves.

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