Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Yes. Eurozone GDP shrank (12.1%) in Q2 versus Q1, much worse than the (8.7%) that the ECB had forecast. Some countries were hit very badly, Spain for example shrank (18.5%). The UK shrank (20%).

Sweden’s GDP shrank (8.6%) for the same quarter.


You missed the bit where I said most need extra staff now to handle a dual business



Harry’s weed guy must be hiring

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Great news for Green leaning people.

@carryharry Stop being a little bitch and clogging up the thread.



We’ve destroyed our economy


Well city’s are better for the environment than loads of one off houses in the country

I hope you sleep well tonight mate. Wake up tomorrow with a positive attitude and get to it.

The negativity can’t be good for you.

One off Houses in the Country don’t require 100’s of restaurants, mate.

I haven’t seen Q2 reported for Ireland, would imagine it’s in the EU range of (10-20%). The comparison to the same quarter last year is worse for all countries, EU is (14.4%) and Eurozone (15.0%). For comparison EU GDP shrank (4.4%) in 2009, the great recession.

Tapas in Ireland is a Cod. Silly prices.

The city centre that’s mainly made up of UK based businesses employing mainly underpaid and poorly treated staff?

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Ok mate.


Certain sectors, admittedly in the minority are absolutely booming.

I know the Economy as a whole is hurting but I can’t be having all the doom & gloom.

We are in a rotten place as a Globe and mixed messaging and relaxed behaviour is not helping.
Relaxation is what’s going to nail up coffins.

It’s utterly wrong how Governments are not banging out the message to keep vigilant and practice safe social distancing & hygiene.

People rightly or wrongly think a virus wants to take hold in cities and rural areas are immune to it.

Hope all are well over there, bro. Especially your little lady who ( I think? ) works in healthcare.


What drugs are you on tonight?


Er, not it isn’t.

The likes of Grafton Street and Henry Street would have a lot of foreign owned businesses, but outside of that it’s really not.


Was always going to happen. Project for a client of ours based in NL is in shutdown mode for pretty much the entire month as many of the staff gone on hols. Bossman went to Italy a week ago.

Such liberties seem mad now. But it was always going to bring a rise in cases. How serious the second wave is from the pov of deaths and hospitalisations, now that we are prepared, is the thing to monitor.

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