Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Shocking — hindering their development because he’s a lazy cunt.

I’m astonished at your idiocy tbh, mate.

If someone feels safe wearing a mask in their car what difference is it to you?
Does it hurt your eyes to look at it?

It’s good that people are taking precautions in the right areas, if wearing it the car helps someone get comfortable enough with a mask to enter a busy shop or restaurant then what harm?

If you’re so sure this is all a cod, take a trip into the local post office or hospital corridor and lick what door handles you like. If you don’t think that’s a good idea or pointless then…

I’m in shock

If they sleep through the night it’s all the one tbh.

That shaving foam trick really works @Copper_pipe

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Each to their own.

One day when they’re all grown up they’ll turn on him and scream at him. Or worse.

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By the looks of things you’re not a night person either

Agree with most of that mate, until your last paragraph.

Licking door handles, look, you obviously are scared out of your mind for your family etc, fair enough…for me though, I think this is completely over egged particularly if you find yourself under 80 years of age. You say you’re working in an essential service role but won’t call it out…grand

Carry on and stay safe, mate.

Kids sleep fine. Rascal gets up at 8.30, little one til 9ish.

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So your post was a whinge about someone doing something which didn’t effect you one bit?

Ah right, ah okay,

No bother, kid.

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That’s what TFK is for, mate.


His post effected me, bro.

I think it should be “affect” in this context.


Now I’m effected* further.

Weak shit kid, up your game.

This is going to be some craic. Teams will have to forfeit championship matches.

We can’t even not train properly. There’ll be a lot of lies told.

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