Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

:+1: life can go on with out compromising vulnerable people. There is no logic anymore. Would 500 people at a gaa game really change anything? Of course not.

The positive returns would far outweigh any negatives.

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The government has lost the public, TFK led the way.


There’s only so much bullshit even Breda and Nuala can take. Not to mention the bedwetters on here

Right from the Start

What value do you place on the lives of the 500 odd souls who died from influenza last year? Should we close up shop because of flu too.

How many died of cancer in Ireland last year? Why do we still allow the sale of cigarettes? Or alcohol from off licenses in any quantity. Packaged foods full of carcinogens.

Drinking and smoking is a personal choice, contracting Covid 19 is not.


We’ll be back under the end until we die. We’ll die under the bed. That would appear to be the end game. In the absence of a vaccine it seems to be the Nphet plan.

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The current surge in cases began on 30th July, with 85 new cases. It’s fluctuated a bit since then but my rough calculation makes it a total of 1315 cases in that period.

In the same period, we have added 11 deaths to our numbers. Of those, at least 6 were late notifications (how?!) of deaths from earlier in the year. That means in August, out of 1315 cases, 5 people have died with COVID (and bear in mind we only know they died with the disease present).

I make that a death rate of 0.004 for the period 29th July until now. Happy for anyone to check my figures as this is back of a fag packet stuff.


It was the opposition pushed to delay it though. They wanted 2 months instead of one.

The opposite is the case here on TFK, there’s no easy likes to be got in supporting a cautious approach

Listening to Stephen Donnelly in Morning Ireland, I’d expect more restrictions to be announced shortly.

NPHET meeting today.

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Oh great, Laois will get out of lockdown, and the rest of you cunts will enter it.

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Yeah they are signalling it strongly.

The media shy Prof Luke O’Neill on newstalk now.

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There will be war* if they remove personal freedoms to mask their own incompetence and failures.

*I’ll whinge about it on TFK and maybe tweet some abuse to people


They already have bro. How quickly you forget us.

If they close off Limerick before I abandon my wife and child there for the weekend, I’ll be furious mate