Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

GP from Kildare on Morning Ireland this morning. Clearly RTE were hoping to feed #projectfear with devastating tales from ground zero but fair play to her she told them she believed the cases were confined specific areas and she hadn’t seen a positive case in weeks, possibly months.

The interviewer was also asking if she’d seen an uptick in people reporting Covid like symptoms. She said she hadn’t and you could tell the interviewer was absolutely gutted. Anyway, it doesn’t bloody matter if more people are reporting symptoms if they are not testing positive!!

It’s put me in right bad humour.


They should have spoken to a GP from Athy, its like a warzone there.

I have no idea if they have any covid cases though.


You would wonder what kind of life people live, allowing themselves be dictated by the government all the time.

Jesus fucking Christ. I’m glad this woman isn’t a real doctor


Heard him on the radio this morning. Said it was only twenty seconds of madness. Was grand otherwise.

Thats a lovely message from the lovely Maeve.


When asked whether current restrictions in place in counties Kildare, Laois and Offaly could be extended to other counties, Donnelly said that “nothing like that is being proposed at the moment”.

“I have had no conversation with any of the public health doctors about restrictions in other counties… There have been no conversations like that.

The plan is for the current restrictions in the three affected counties to be lifted at midnight on Sunday, and that’s still the intention.

Leo, Simon and Tony. Jesus wept.

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Open it Saturday you absolute bastard.

Sweet Jesus

Please relaois us


There’s fucking championship to be played, and then abandoned, and then slowly started again.

Hold the line. You’ve come too far now.

I just puked into the bin

Never read Leo or Simons comments on twitter, some people have their tongue so far up their holes they are licking the back of tonsils

The random bullshit text messages seem to be ramping up again along with the increase in cases.
Last week it was the impending lockdown of Limerick and Clare.
The latest one is that the off-licences are going to be closed without warning at some stage this week.

Message sent by fine wines

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Of they close half their stock will go out of date