Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

We’ll all need to step up and do our part

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And the other half is already out of date


No point in spending more than a euro per can :joy:

I think we are edging ever closer to the realisation it’s all a cod. We’ll be the last past the post of course. But another month or so will do it


I think cod is too strong a term, and I do believe the actions taken in March were the correct ones.
However they’ve been very slow to shift position as new evidence has emerged, and almost seem to be afraid to move from the LIDF line incase that would be interpreted as them being wrong in the first place.

They have zero confidence in our health system being able to cope with even the mildest surge in cases.


Schools being opened will be the game changer. Couple of weeks little issues and the majority of the country will come to it themselves

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What would be interesting is if they could do some kinda postmortem tests on deaths from Dec to March. The death graph itself makes little sense, with such a huge surge in deaths at the start and then leveling off. There was obviously a much more gradual increase in deaths to the current level.


We are but you still have some, manipulatied by fear or just lock down fetishists, who want to have public policy dictated by a 20 second video on Twitter.

I’m hopeful the schools reopening will be the first step back towards normality but a few clusters and the usual suspects will be at it again.


Ya look they didn’t know what they were up against. But they do now. Most of Western Europe seems to be out the other side. The UK has burnt through it by and large it would seem, the US will be getting to burnout point soon enough, and then no one will care what’s happening anywhere else.

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Even if it all went off relatively seemlessly, they’ll be cawing about a winter spike for the rest of the year.

And all the while no one will be dying.

And the old people they pretend to care about will be at home, cowering in fear, afraid to go the shop let alone the pub, spending their final years in terror and isolation.


I suppose everyone is different, but the only people I see breaking the masks in shops rule these days is auld lads/wans


Ever since the water protests the Government have cowered in fear over any decision that would anger even 10% of the population. 66% of the population hate the current government and will blame them for any decisions they make. 66% of people would also hate an alternative SF led government and blame them for any decisions that they make. So no decisions get made


Its the waster protesters fault. An unforeseen twist on the story, but I’m on board. Fuck those cunts.


We badly some lads that post on here to be in government.

Some great ideas on here and a lot of lads don’t drink any old soup.

I find myself nodding in agreement with this.

We’d all as being well off paying for water as rural dwellers have been for years

This is where the country started to slip.

1.6 out of every 100 cases ended up in ICU till the end of June.

We were probably catching 1 in 10 of every actual infection back then. If we are catching 5 in 10 cases now that is 0.3 of every 100 in ICU, and likely lower due to the younger median age of cases now. Add to that we now know more about the virus and how to treat it better pre ICU, so hopefully less arrive than before.

It therefore tallies that we’re getting 1 or 2 new ICU cases a fortnight on current trends. There’s a lot of scare stories about the health service but it will take things getting wildly out of control for things to go sideways.

Realistically we could see uncontrolled numbers (and I mean 500 cases a day) for 3 to 4 weeks before the health service would see a noticeable difference.


We should be rolling out flu and pneumonia vaccination programmes across country from September with advertising and making it as easy as possible for people to access them. A high take up of those would lessen healthcare pressures in winter.