Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Maybe we should use those iodine tablets that were given out back 2002 if a vaccination programme causes too many logistial issues

10 to 1 was the guess in March/April per a lot of Western countries.

It’s very difficult to know without full details of asymptomatic cases being divulged. The number could well be higher than that- there were some stats previously posted on super spreader events to show it come be higher.

5 of 10 is just an illustration, @glasagusban might want to note the “if” in there.

I’d guess that because of the mass testing of some sites and increased testing overall.

Either way, it was 1.6 of 100 of detected cases in March-June so better detection will cut that number down.

Have we bought more ventilators and increased the ICU capacity?

Not making decisions due to fear of scorn off twitter is the real new normal

It absolutely is. And the vocal Twitter mob hate the government anyway so even if by some miracle the government master planned their way out of this they’d still be getting pelters about the Bernard Shaw (not) closing or Leo’s socks.

There’s no shortage of causes to be permanently outraged about now. It’ll take SF getting in and being twice as useless and corrupt to quiten them for a while but not for long. Mind you the Harris fans are just as brainless.

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Glynn and mcdonkey are putting the foot down under the guise of protecting nursing homes. Dod a great job last time.

I don’t think anyone could possibly match FFG in terms of uselessness and corruption, never mind be twice as bad.

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You’re in for a pleasant surprise but don’t worry SF will be able to blame every fuck up on the pandemic for at least ten years and the bots will swallow that whole.

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I think you’re dealing in speculation there.

The reality is FFG are joined at the hip in terms of incompetence and corruption, the audit trail does not lie.

Tons of mistakes they are representative of the Irish population so you can’t expect too much. Any examples of countries who have never experienced incompetence and corruption?

Tend to agree here.

They did the right thing in March considering what was unfolding elsewhere.

The gripe I have now is they are sleepwalking into more issues as per the Nursing Homes.

Business where social distancing can’t be policed properly is becoming a serious issue. Look at the cases in Kildare, Offaly & Laois due to meat plants.

Golden Mushroom farm could potentially be a big issue too as partners & housemates of those working there are in employment elsewhere in the locality.
Those workers are by and large working in poor conditions over long hours with poor pay. They are squatting in houses trying to save money.

DP centres are next shitstorm awaiting a public spotlight.

The government has no issue closing up Counties & shutting down Publicans indefinitely but they can’t police controls in factories?

Pubs are a worry as this Virus thrives in densely occupied areas with poor ventilation, but I think if the government can trust Meat Plants they should give Pubs their chance once schools open.

Police them and shut down those breaching social distancing rules.

There has to be a fair and decent standard for all whilst protecting public health.

Old people unless gravely ill are getting on with their lives. Stop wailing on like a spoilt child.

There is absolutely no reason pubs can’t open under the same conditions pubs are currently open. Have inspections and shut down any not complying. Simple. It worked for the smoking ban in jig time.

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That’s it, they deserve a chance.

The police inspected 3,000 restaurants in the last week and found 26 in breach. No mention of how severe etc breaches were, but that’s remarkably good compliance. Less than 1% (of course the headline was 26 restaurants found in breach but that’s a different story)

Those 26 depending on what they did should be closed for a month or two, or take the licences off them altogether if it’s very bad. Publicans would be on their best behavior then

Meanwhile they are ringing ahead to warn the meat factories they are coming, the places are riddled and they are still only suggesting those with outbreaks should close


You couldn’t make it up.

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Zero clusters from pubs so far
Low incidence of the regulations (many of those being nonsensical) being broken

You would call that a success really but instead you have Ronan Glynn et al scolding the public on the news.


And be merciless in enforcing the rules.

The lads in Kildare standing in a freezer for ten minutes before getting temperature tested each morning allegedly

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:sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

Absolutely. Instead they’d prefer to have no rules because they are terrified of making a call and getting it wrong. They are fucking clueless.

The health officials are shitting it after all the deaths they caused through their initial negligence, hence ultra caution.

No one else has the ear of government and like you said, the approach is not being questioned or interrogated.

There is a limit of 200 people on who can attend the Aviva stadium for Munster v Leinster. It’s fucking ridiculous.