Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

There was a mention of 8 (either cases or outbreaks) linked to pubs/restaurants recently.

Just going by this

May be out of date

It was a line in the stats on an RTE news website report, that’s the only mention I’ve seen of it.
I think it was this Friday or Saturday.

I’d say they included the historic ones there.

Also if a couple come down with Covid, and it is subsequently found they went to a pub when asymptomatic or whatever, do we put that down as a pub cluster?

If others in the pub then test positive - then yes, clearly its a pub cluster - otherwise no

They were right to do what they did in March, but they should have had plans in place for when moving out of lockdown. Schools should have been up there with health and nursing homes. Schools are suppose to open in 2 weeks or so and there is no plan in place. I think there should have been a plans for schools to re-open after Easter even if it was a couple of days a week like 3rd and 6th year 3 days a week the rest the other 2 days.

Both this government and previous one have been a shambles, more worried about getting movie quotes into speeches than getting the plans and organisation in place to open up the country.

That’s horseshit anyway. I know a lovely old couple near me, never had children but were fully active in the community. They would play bingo 3 nights a week, he would head to the pub 2 nights a week for 3 pints and a game of cards, and then their big yearly treat would be a couple of days gone horseracing. They are sitting at home now for the last 5 months and have aged terribly, everything they looked forward to has been closed down on them. It might be different for old people you know but you would want to open your eyes a bit if you don’t see the terrible effect restrictions are having on some elderly people.


Well exactly.

There is a plan in place.

Mother is the same. Loves her 45 during the winter months. Was very sociable, use to go to swimming pool couple of times a week. Feels very isolated now.


A lot of older people who used avail of the free travel and head to Dublin/Cork/Killarney on day trips once a week are now terrified to go anywhere.

Society has been destroyed by this thing.


You must be living on the moon.


The lockdown crew don’t want to hear this

I walked around Dublin today at lunchtime. The middle of Dublin is deserted. It’s an absolute thundering disgrace what is going on in the country. The country’s economy is totally gone. Do ye realise that?

Yes. It’s a global pandemic. It was naturally going to leave scar tissue.

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Whats that then? Stick up a few posters on the wall, a couple of signs on the floor and throw in a bit of hand sanitiser and away ya go. There is no plan they are winging it, if there was a plan the government would have been shouting it from the roof tops. 2 weeks to go till the schools reopen and most are saying they have heard nothing from the department of education.

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I wish your mother all the best but when you get to a certain age and stop activities like swimming for 6 months the sad truth is that it’s very unlikely she will get back at it again. The poor wife in that couple I mentioned was a very busy lady who id never have heard complain, last time I visited she was struggling to cross her kitchen and was telling me her knee had started giving her big bother. Just terrible to see.


Is that actually true? People who study addiction would say addicts have no choice, once they are addicted. The real question though is why wouldn’t you ban substances that are known to directly cause massive health care costs and death.

You can avoid contracting Covid, by personal choice. If you work from home or don’t work, have groceries delivered, and only go out to exercise, your chances of contracting Covid are essentially zero. Obviously there are many who are deemed as essential workers who take on risk by going to work, but with measures in place that risk has been greatly diminished.

Where do you teach?

I’ve heard of a potential small cluster at a store in the Crescent SC (won’t name it). One staff member has it, and seven others self isolating (this is a fact btw, not a rumour).

If stores selling non essential stuff can stay open with these developments, then open up the pubs the fuck

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