Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

That’s it in a nutshell. Nobody wants to risk a stress test of our ICU

Older people are worried that they’re going to be told to stay home again.

My father (nearly 76) said to the mother yesterday they’d go out for something to eat and a pint as he fears he won’t have that option open to him in a week or two.

My father hasn’t got the option open to him this week

Exactly. my father is worried that Tipp will get locked down because of the mushroom lads. He’s looking up the road and seeing the people of Laois locked in

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He’s like Mac claiming and that other ape gman claiming restaurants are flying. Most of them are operating at 33 percent capacity.

FFG have spent decades making a sham of the health sytem.

They are 100% culpable here.

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Good. Be great to have them to blame when we are deep in the shit alright.

My grandmother used to go into Listowel for active retirement and mass on some weekdays. She has dementia but it has really gone to a new level since Easter. She cant even put her 2 feet under her now. We have a lovely Filipino woman looking after her in her own home but it has become a 2 person job now. She has a badly injured leg due to a fall and we cannot get a doctor to call out to the house let alone a doctors surgery to answer the phone because every hypochondriac in Kerry thinks they have Covid 19. We wanted to get an MRI/XRay on the leg that would necessitate an ambulance call out but that would be too traumatic for her because no one would be able to travel in ambulance to comfort her due to social distancing restrictions. We are now trying to arrange a hoist for her so that she can at least be transported in and out of bed but having no luck there too. She has lead a very good life in very difficult circumstances and it pains me to see her this way at this point of her life.


The health system held up well though, there was no surge that threatened to overwhelm it. The fuck up was in the oversight of care homes.

That’s awful Johnny. Sorry to hear about this.


Did it?

Didn’t the government spend an absolute fortune lining the pockets of private hospitals during this?

Think it was €300m - how many social housing units would that have built?

But the question posed is whether the health care system could cope, and the evidence is that it did. It’s bizarre to be worried about it coping now when hospital and ICU admissions are at a fraction of April.

good man, more lies. You’ll note I wont retort with name calling with you.

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It didn’t.

They had to go running to the private healthcare vultures at a ransom.

They never used them though

How much of the private health care capacity was actually used?

I’ve noted all the abuse from you over the past few years don’t worry.

They didn’t even come close to using them either.

Couldn’t tell you.

€300m down the swanny though because of a health service not fit for purpose.

So you admit you haven’t a notion what you are talking about.