Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

I’ve zero interest in engaging with you on any of your claims or in your boredom to try another one of your wind ups as you go from poster to poster. I’m just giving you the courtesy of replying now that I wont be replying to you again.


I don’t admit that.

I merely stated that government and HSE are so worried about the state of their unfit health service they lined private hospitals pockets to the tune of €300m of state money.

That’s fair enough.

That was done in every western country, emergency measures were deemed necessary in a health care crisis. It’s a good thing not a bad thing that Ireland had this extra capacity, even if it was not used.

She says with her profile picture of her all kitted out in her PPE armour.


tenor (49)

Stop banging that drum. Of course incidents would ( fucking should ) be zero if Premises doing as asked.

The issue is pubs with patron boozed up letting loose and then shit could hit the fan. “ could “

That’s not a reason to keep all.pubs closed indefinitely. Up to publicans to implement rules. Some may have to hire security. If they can’t do that, and if they can’t enforce the rules then they’re not suitable to be open. But that’s not a reason to keep every other pub closed.


But if you believe the anecdotes, and saw what happened in Berlin Bar, that is already happening.

So what gives?

It is a drum that absolutely should be banged. We need evidence, not guess work and prejudices. It does not appear so far that pubs have lead to large scale clusters. The worry was always that we could have 50 or 60 from a pub, times 3 or 4, over a weekend. We haven’t, that’s the reality.

We also really need the likes of yourself to keep claiming that people who say wet pubs should reopen, want it without restrictions.

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No press briefing today. Government meeting with Nphet instead.

What time does this meeting start?

Doesn’t matter what side of the fence you’re on regarding pubs. They’ve been caught in the crossfire and I’d actually be very surprised if they get the green light before October

Someone with skin in the game ( medically ) tells me they fear of young people being the real carriers and the fact that 99% of them show no symptoms is the real worry.
Mix young people in pubs with older people and they fear Hospital admissions rising and potentially fatalities.

I can’t fall down of either side tbh, but it probably is a realistic fear compared to the lower chance of that happening in Restaurants settings?

We know the fear, we want reality.

Lots of pubs have been open for weeks now, that’s the reality.


It started at 3PM and a follow up planned in the morning with Covid task group before they announce any changes, if any.

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I think its on at the moment. Who knows what will come out of it. Some schools are back next week so this will be big focus.

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Gman never abused anyone in his life


Great post.

There’s an elderly man who lives near me, he was widowed a few years back and his world almost caved in when his wife passed.

His children are grown up and have moved up the country or abroad. He rarely sees them or his grand kids as a result.

He’s retired and his interests were/are the pub for a game of cards at the weekends (he’s not even a heavy drinker), going to matches and generally meeting his neighbours and friends. That’s all pretty much gone from him now.

This flippant response of “oh, just get on with it” is all well and good for young people (myself included) but it’s heartbreaking to see a man like that have all these restrictions imposed on him. It’s horrible.

Was reading somewhere last week there has been a big jump in suicides nationally but that’s never mentioned by NPHET, Donnelly or the under the bed crew.

We can’t live in fear forever. The constant hysteria over pubs, schools, increase in cases, face coverings, travel and everything else is wearing me down - God only knows how people fifty or 60 years older are coping with this.

The death rate has plummeted thankfully but it seems any positive news is immediately buried and Project Fear resumes.


An absolute gentleman

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