Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Will we know of the proposed changes tonight so?

It’s awful to see our Capital city being neglected like this.

I was sent a Snapchat the other day from someone outside a boarded up Ryan’s on Camden Street with the caption “I remember when”.

I started crying.

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All pubs to close and the reimposition of travel restrictions is what I’m hearing

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Any numbers @Copper_pipe?

No new deaths


I’d say you left out a zero

Tipp is gone

Ya, @anon67715551 having the craic for the last six months.


Depends on how much kite flying they intend on doing and then depending on how Breda et al react I’d expect some form of announcement tomorrow afternoon.

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Its great they left out how many were asymptomatic. You could have had 1 person with symptoms and tested everyone else as a precaution and ended up with 19. Lack of detail is appalling

56 new cases - zero deaths.

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Leave it so ya fucking fanny

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Ye can come back out from under the beds lads

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Heard the same rumour last week about a store in Donaghmede shopping centre last week.

ZERO deaths again…

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Rumours are easy start sure

Sure close everything. We may as well give up.

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This one I have 100% confirmed.

One person in a shop has it. So they are testing everyone else in the shop. Hardly cause for concern?

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Yep and there are a lot of them flying around putting the fear of god into a lot of people.