Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

My knees are fucked from hopping in and out of the space under my bed. This corona is bad for your health.


There’s one in ABP meat factory in Cahir.

The lockdown crew are seething with tonight’s figures. They are desperate for deaths


Better shut the pubs so

You’d be quare disappointed if you’re in a meeting trying to shut the country down and those numbers come out.


Some lad was on Pat Kenny this morning saying you will see a rise in cases first and there is delay before the deaths start. We will see.

Was chatting to a pub owner a few days ago, he reckons October at earliest before they get to reopen
He’s very close to throwing his hat and it shutting up completely (even after spending money on renovations etc) couldn’t blame him to be fair

We’ll have our own Octoberfest


I’d say it really took the wind out of their sails

There was fellas here locking down Clare and Limerick on Friday. Neither has a case today :joy:

That was nothing to do with Covid.

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I feel for that couple but you can’t base that couple to all the older population being holed up hiding, it’s simply not true.

Do you think there’ll be more restrictions ?

I’d expect a few leaks tonight if any further measures are to Imposed.

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Operation fear, eh.

Read somewhere about Suicide Rates but no numbers…

Digest the hypocrisy of that post. And keep an eye on your neighbour.

No, most likely a time extension to the current phase and its restrictions accompanied by a patronising don’t fuck it up now Paddy speech supported by the political Twitter-ati.

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But you’ve been doing the exact opposite of that throughout this farce. You’ve been able to get on with your job, that’s grand for you. You know someone whose cancer treatment wasn’t interrupted, that’s really positive too. You know old people that haven’t found the restrictions too suffocating, that’s good for them and so on.

You seemingly expect people to accept these restrictions without expressing any dissent when, under any objective assessment, a share of them are ill-considered and defy logic. On the other hand, there are things that they blatantly should be doing that they’re ignoring.

Can you not accept that many, many people haven’t had the positive lockdown your circle seem to have had? People projecting their own experiences onto the wider community and kinda dismissively telling others to get on with it really fucking irks me. There are people whose personal circumstances have gone to shit since this thing happened and it’s well out of order.

In short, you are a cretin and I will beat you up.


He’s alright Jack

Lots of the elderly are widows ffs Harry. You cut off one or two social outlets for them and they are in trouble.

I suppose much like your odd posts demanding that businesses stung by this suddenly, you’ll say they should adapt.

A few old people I know have thrown their hat it in recent week. One fella simply says he hasn’t long left and that he isn’t going to sit around waiting for a vaccine that may not ever be found.