Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Boris Johnson stood up one day and politely told Chris Witty and Patrick Valance to put a sock in it at a press conference, could you imagine that slime-ball Michael Martin doing that to the nephet nerds?


They stood up to them (a bit) in pulling back the phases somewhat, “overarching” has just rubber stamped everything they have recommended. The Medical Junta in NPHET and their fellow travellers Killeen and McConkey should be told to do one. The inevitable fiasco of schools not reopening will shorten the life of the worst government we have ever had and that’s saying something after only 7 weeks.


They’re also waking up to what’s around the corner economically … the stupid fucks.

Paddy laughing at John Bull a few months ago, now John Bull has it under control and Paddy hasn’t the balls to govern the country whilst cases are on the rise


Glad to hear that mate, special needs kids were hit hardest of all in many cases, I had hoped our place would run the July provision like a camp but they cited concerns regrading the buildings etc at the time, I do it every year with a neighbours child and he would have benefitted from being in a bigger group, as it was he integrated into our family a good few days, his siblings are a good bit older so he enjoys the craic with my kids

I’ve said all along that the schools reopening should be first second and third priority for the government, keeping them open is the next challenge obviously but who knows what the future holds,
Next week they all start in new classes, if there is to be further periods out of school it is absolutely essential that the teachers get them for some time anyway to get the ball rolling and get systems in place if they are to be out at all,you can finish a school year from home, though it’s far from ideal, you can’t start a school year from home.
God news snyway @ChairmanDan, best of luck


This actually sounds promising.

Our leaders may be on the verge of making an independent decision rather than hiding behind an unelected medical junta.

TFK goes mainstream


When there wasn’t 50 leaks last night after the meeting you knew something different was happening.
Every TD in the country being tagged by every pub in the country on FB and each getting loads of likes and shares. Don’t tell me that doesn’t cloud their thinking.
As I said before it’s only once the masses kick back that the TDs will move.


Scaremongering at its finest. More pathetic “journalism”.

And telling our old people to avoid going outdoors - they might as well euthanise them. They were sending them out to parks together a few weeks ago.

I wonder will we have any proper journalist who will ask the government today what the medium to long term strategy is here and how these measures fit that strategy.


Great to see FG taking NPHET to task. Time to get on with it.

Not a single journalist has challenged any figure announced or the make up of the data. They just echo, for example, x large number of people awaiting results in a hospital. They take it as they all have covid rather than a breakdown of were they referred by gp, were they routinely tested ahead of a procedure.


Shur they only came out last week and said they were going to start thinking about a medium term plan for living with this virus.

You are not allowed question anything all along without some gimp claiming you want to murder his grandfather

Can’t say fairer than that. What more do people want from them.

I presume you meant petty. It wasn’t meant to be - I don’t think the culture of the civil service encourages risky decision making which is probably appropriate. I think in this instance over-caution is better.

You do seem to have an odd blind spot though where you repeatedly say we’re the worst performing country at Covid yet in no way hold public servants/civil servants to account for that. You do realise that most of NPHET are civil servants? You do realise that the HSA is part of the public service and is run day to day by public servants?

To mind we’ve done about average to date. There has been some good political leadership and some serious dropped balls. On the civil service/public service side I’d say there’s been some exceptional responses and some that at best could be described as extremely average. I would give both politicians and the permanent gov the benefit of the doubt though in that this is an unprecedented situation with very little information or previous experience to fall back upon when determining a serious of unpalatable choices with huge potential impacts.

Yes the health officials giving advice are civil servants and they have been appalling throughout. I genuinely mean that.

Your point about civil servants being inherently conservative is not far off, but doesn’t stack up. Other countries have a civil service and have managed to open. What’s different about ours? Nothing.

What’s your view on reports this morning that FG are looking at the rest of the EU and finally questioning the advice they are receiving? I’ve only been making the same point for months now.

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We haven’t. And honestly, I think that disrespectful to the hundreds of people that died needlessly here. We need to acknowledge we have done badly.

Most of the cabinet are on a four week holiday ffs. We have Mick cheering that politicians are kicking back finally when in fact they are just being silent as they aren’t working.
Hurleys and Dublin castle come to mind

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We’ll be calling for a lockdown by the weekend