Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from


Batigol will hold strong, the rest of us will find a way to 180 :grinning:

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Is Maori Mike building a bunker?

he died on Sunday night from the virus

At least he died doing what he loved…


By god

Yep. There was actually 18 in hospital yesterday evening, down 1 from the day before.

They are fed the worst sounding data and just regurgitate it. If you look at June, July and August the numbers in hospitals for Covid have mostly been in the teens.

Fear in people’s eyes​:grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:, quote of the year without a shadow of a doubt.

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I’m taking this as a compliment

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I think that’s extremely harsh on many of the health officials.

I think other countries have reopened with mixed results. The immediate big test facing us now is the schools. I do think the Dept of Ed have been behind the curve throughout and they’ve left schools in a very difficult position with the delay in the issuance of policies but getting the schools back open is a massive hurdle to get over.

Hard to know off the media report. Is it genuine push-back from FG or just spinning? I do imagine that FG are frustrated at the gov messaging/decision making etc since the coalition has been announced. I thought the line about previous NPHET advice/letters from Tony effectively being pre-baked was interesting too.

The measure that counts is deaths and we have performed extremely badly. We need to acknowledge that.

Are you suggesting we close all Private Nursing Home facilities?

Who isn’t acknowledging that people died in nursing homes?

I don’t know how you got that from anything I said.

Charlie Bird getting stuck into the government on Today with Sarah McInerney here. Accusing his former media colleagues of giving the government an easy ride.


Charlie Bird giving a Tour de France on RTE1, calling out the possible plans for 70 year olds to hide under the bed as nonsense

Said this potential announcement is diverting attention away from nursing homes etc

Charlie says no.


Cometh the hour cometh the man.

Fair play for returning in the middle of this crisis and spending your hard earned sterling around the country.

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