Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Not a slice of ham to be had in Tesco in Artane this morning. If this shortage spreads to rural areas I predict blood on the streets and the booreens.

The exponential nature of the virus has been overstated.

It is clear from looking at the patterns that the exponential element of the thing burns out after a few weeks. Restrictions and voluntary social distancing help, but there is more to it than that. We need to look more at the 200 not infected with Covid vs the 100 that are in meat plants, and the families where there isn’t infection.

We all ‘thought’ they only made recommendations. Its been call out here for months that NPHET have been calling the shots not MM or LV. @Julio_Geordio called it earlier among others

“Median turnaround time for Covid-19 tests and contact tracing now 2.83 days“

I love the way the HSE are using medians for this. While their might be some argument for using median age for deaths there’s absolutely no argument for using median on this.

The reason they are using medians is no doubt because it’s dragged down by the quick turn arounds for hospital admissions etc (rightly so) rather than the general cases which are back to taking 4 & 5 days by all accounts depending on where in the country you are.

This increase is due to increased testing they say. But we are still absolutely nowhere near the level of testing they were promising (and failing to meet) back in May and June and yet here we are in August still not reaching the targets.


They want to keep the beaches closed instead of hunting and killing Jaws.


Then it’s a failure of leadership. The politicians need to take decisions based on the advice. But they need to be willing to challenge the advice as well. The advice has been taken as holy writ. It’s the safest thing in the world to lock everything down.


Mickey Martin is a born leader so surely it can’t be that?

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I agree there appears to be no challenge, any fair challenge to NPHET would have seen less restrictions as they would back down but it appears they handed carte blanc to the medics. It was the right thing to do in march imho but since May its been a disgrace.

That’s incorrect. Look at the 6 countries in Europe that have higher deaths per capita than us. They include a few whose health services were overrun like Spain and Italy, and a few that essentially didn’t bother their arse introducing any restrictions.

We had neither situation. We simply neglected not protect the most vulnerable.

Are you telling me the government don’t have a responsibility to protect people because they are in private care homes? How does that work? It’s the government’s responsibility to regulate the environment and protect life. They didn’t do a good job of it and a lot of life was tragically lost.

There is no point in sticking our heads in the sand and telling ourselves we did great. We didn’t.


The median time a person spends in a nursing home before they die is 5 months. That’s pre Covid. Nursing homes were a disaster but they are private businesses run for a profit. The quality of care reflects that unfortunately.

How many people in nursing homes died with Covid versus died from Covid.


The humble publicans of Ireland putting this country back to right :muscle:

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[quote=“TheUlteriorMotive, post:4722, topic:31704, full:true”] Nursing homes were a disaster but they are private businesses run for a profit. The quality of care reflects that unfortunately.
This seems to be totally overlooked by people…
some places were charging fortunes but paying peanuts…


Let them eat prosciutto.

Jesus, this thread is depressing in its repetition.
Has a single person here done anything more productive than spamming this place? A twitter post, letter to the Sunday Independent??

I’ve loads of tweets calling out this sham - i’ve tagged Leo and Harris repeatedly and RTE …


Brady 1 - 0 Tracksuit.


Time is this meeting kicking off?

Letters to the Irish Times might get Leos attention

I roared “CUNT” at Simon Harris from a scooter a few weeks ago


Was that was said when the auld fella pulled up to Simon on the street and according to twitter was tell him he was the best health minister we ever had?