Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

On the back of the scooter typing furiously on TFK (furiously in more ways than one)

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I know a fella who was closeby to that and indeed the man did praise Simon.

My second cousin’s mate’s sister was just out of shot and said he called him a jerk and drove off… This is where Simon picked up the word jerk that he’s being tweeting recently.

Is the sister trans? It could be the same person, but maybe a misconstruing of the nature of the meaning of the word jerk.

According to RTE, they are looking at putting all sports fixtures behind closed doors. Absolute nonsense that no one can go into the GG to watch a match but the likes of the zoo and Tayto Park are open

the outbreak of recent cases linked to sporting fixtures needs to be acted upon.


They are targeting the main causes and eliminating them. Its great to see

Now 4 lads have it in a Glanbia plant in Kildare but the factory remains open, but I wouldn’t want to make to big a deal about that

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You literally couldn’t make it up.

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Confirmation that @Batigol isn’t an auld fella. All I need

There is talk of significant delays with testing and contact tracing.

What to fuck? The most crucial part of the whole management of this area and the HSE still can’t get it right.

But no doubt the focus will be on anything else other than that.

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Fucking hell. Will any non-headbanger journalist ever grow some balls and ask some questions about these measures?

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Bring back Vincent Brown

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Why are they not asked to explain the logic behind some of these measures.


It beggars belief at this stage

Because if you ask that question it means you want people to die.


This seems absolutely bonkers.
There seems to be no consistency to what they are doing, and a lot of it is completely contradictory.

They’ve been an absolute shambles in recent weeks.

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I hope we have 50,000 cases next week. It’s what we deserve.

I think there will be a huge outcry on this and the watery cunts will back down.

The comments make this place look tame

7 covid cases in hospital.

What an absolute joke of a country.

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