Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

You’d have to test everybody every day of the year

Yer man Glynner there on the Six-One going on about the concerning amount of cases in Kildare, Laois and Offaly over the last few days.

I’ll give him Kildare, but eh, Laois and Offaly?

We’ve been utterly blackguarded in this from the very start.

With cunts


I made a point of stopping in Midway there the other night and throwing a few bob into Burger King. Jesus it was an awful sight.

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As opposed to the vision of beauty it usually is?

Fellas lamenting a fast food place at a service station now. Christ almighty

I won’t kick a place while it’s down here.

*Tipp is exempt, obviously.

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You shay it besht when you shay nothing at all

I can’t help but feel dejected here. Some many people’s lives are being destroyed because of these measures. I really, really don’t think they are necessary.

And what’s the point? We’ll bring case numbers down a bit, then we’ll open and they’ll go up a bit and so on and so on. We can’t eradicate the virus. New Zealand tried and failed, and they’re in the middle of nowhere. We HAVE to live with the virus.

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We are living with the virus. It can’t be just let run wild. There will have to be adjustment.

You’ve set the stance where any adjustment bar full opening is an attack on your rights. So anything that feels like it’s not what you want is met with derision. Strange place to be

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There is adjustment. There are restrictions everywhere.

We’re in a pandemic.

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Yes. One that has killed very few people (relatively speaking) in months. The roads have been as dangerous this month. Maybe we should close them?


I missed the presser earlier I presume “overarching” and egghead weren’t challenged on anything by our fearless journos?

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The restrictions are working then. Or they were and the numbers have risen enough to make the need for further restrictions necessary.

Roads aren’t dangerous. Cars are. They have brakes, lights, air bags and seatbelts.

The virus has no safety measures.

That’s a very juvenile comparison by the way, but that’s become par for the course with you during this virus. You’ve morphed into a spoiled child

What’s the end game here, genuinely? Do you agree with these measures, and if so, why?

As for your edit there, you have repeatedly resorted to name calling in relation to me on here, particularly on this thread. Play the ball and not the man

It seems that counties with the worst levels of personal hygiene are being hit hardest

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The crowd of whackjob scientists calling for complete eradication on the island are being advised by Independent SAGE from the UK so you have one bunch of loser eggheads getting their ideas from another bunch of loser eggheads but in the UK they are rightly being laughed at whereas here they are taken very seriously by NPHET most of all it looks like

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NRA levels of logic.

Would you consider the possibility that people are not dying partly at least because of the measures that have been put in place?