Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

I agree with them doing something if the alternative is going to be a full lockdown where I cant go more than 2km outside my fucking house.

This is what the agreed approach of opening it up a bit and only locking down when necessary looks like. Every one was in consensus months back that was a good approach and now its happening, the same moaners are giving out like fuck.

A few people have just decided whatever action is taken to fuck with it and they know better.

No mate, the restrictions are only there to annoy the lads

You won’t need any luck, nor will your beloved.
You’ll be absolutely the finest.
Treat any approach in the next few days from @KinvarasPassion with caution though.


What’s logic of leaving beaches and Tayto Park open and reducing GAA matches to 15. All outdoor spaces.


The facts have moved on in two months mate. It’s barely making people sneeze at this stage, never mind overwhelming the health service.


It could well be yes. All I’ve asked for is consistency and logic to be used. Open all businesses with the same social distancing, capacity regulations (in as much as possible) and give them all a chance.

There has been scapegoating of the pubs, for some reason, and now they’ve randomly decided sport has to go.

I also think there is a wider issue at play. I don’t believe this virus is worth altering our way of life fundamentally as I believe that will cause more deaths and suffering long term.


Over 4k people are dying globally a day mate

Would you agree that, say, no people are allowed at a match which takes place outdoors, whereas 34 people per 100 sq metres (or whatever the current restriction is) can sit inside in a restaurant?

Note the small print whereby it’s being proposed that a Garda can enter your house to check how many people have gathered.

If such an event occurs at my domain I shall set the dogs on them*

  • Utterly spurious as they’re two brother labradors and would be more likely to lick them to death.

Like something from Putin’s Russia.

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It’s easier to maintain social distancing where everybody is sitting down in a small area at designated tables. They have hygiene protocols.

Trying to control a load of roasters on the side of a field getting excited at a match. Not so much.

Fields with stands are possible but then you’d have gowls moaning about discrimination against small clubs.

They literally cant win. The restrictions are working, but anything they do is criticised by people. It’s a horrible situation they’re in. It’s a horrible situation we’re in.

Bitching and moaning about it 24/7 achieves nothing

Outbreaks in Hospitals says it all.

I think that’s the reason they shut down sport alright. Gowls from small clubs.


150,000 people die every day globally mate, about 18,000 from non Covid related respiratory diseases.
Why are the 4K that die of Covid more important than the 150,000 who die of other other causes, a significant majority from preventable diseases?


This particular one is killing 4k a day despite all the restrictions. Do you think that would be more or less without the restrictions?

Are you claiming to know more than every government and public health organisation in the World?

It was probably the screenshots at matches of the 100 odd people sitting all on top of each other that didn’t help.

I know that will not wash with some but it was in plain view whether on TV screens, live streams or images on social media.

Now, if there was evidence to prove that this was a factor in community transmission rates then well done… But there is no factual evidence.

If asymptotic is the new normal of infection then Government & NPHET need to roll out proper testing with prompt results capabilities. Let those who know isolate.

Matches are back on for 6 weeks at this stage. No clusters. The roasters and everyone else attending amd running matches have followed the rules. This is just a handy target for the cunts.


And the meat factories will still keep going

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the guards knocking on the door at half ten telling you to go to bed, paddy just sits there and takes it, what has it come to?


Food supply chains have to remain open, don’t be silly.

How much more investment those corporations need to make to make their facilities safe should be limitless or else closure becomes a reality.
Department of Agriculture needs to step up here.