Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Safe ones should, yes

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I certainly know more than most government officials who are largely idiots. There is absolutely no consensus among health officials, nor has there been since the pandemic began. There are plenty highly reputable health officials who believe the approach in many countries has been nonsense.

At this stage of the pandemic the vast majority of those contracting the disease are not getting seriously ill let alone dying, those who are getting seriously ill and dying have underlying issues, the same underlying issues that kill 150,000 people every day, you know heart disease, diabetes, COPD, etc.

Answer the question, why are these 4k a day deaths more important than the 150k who die every day? 50k die every day from cardiovascular disease, which is largely preventable. Why are restrictions not put in place to protect people from the factors that are known to cause heart disease?


I don’t know mate. I’m not a politician or a public health expert. If you’ve got issues take it up with your local representative.

Why do you think almost every government in the World has reacted the way they have? Are you a conspiracy theorist?

Why do people think ireland is alone in having draconian measures. They aren’t.

People just need to grow the fuck up and behave responsibly. The last thing we need is to go back to phase 1. If you’re struggling with the phases now, I’d be really worried how people would cope with phase 1 again.

What about subs? There could be up to 30 on some panels. Presume all the panel are allowed in?

One doesn’t need to be a conspiracy theorist to question the response to this pandemic by governments, one just needs a functioning brain, which you appear to lack.

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How many boring posts by Tassoti in the last few hours?

if you question it, it means you are trying to murder his grandmother

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I believe the main reason for this is because they are covering their own asses.


I’ve been relatively on the fence on this whole thing. Not overly critical of the government thus far whilst also realizing they haven’t been brilliant either. I’ve also said recently that personal abuse online to TDs and others is not on and they are people too.

But I swear to fuck, if that Simon Harris puts up a smarmy “we’re in it together guys, we need to keep going”, I’ll fucking rip the cunt to bits.

This whole thing is a joke. We’ve just been given back some small semblance of normality, getting out, enjoying things and trying to get lives and economy back going again. And the cunts do this shit. They hit down on things that have not been factors in causing the rise in cases and have still not done enough to actually target the root cause of the majority of the recent surge.

And what can we do? Saying everyone is pissing and moaning and go do something? Like what? Lobby TDs? Protest? Nothing makes any difference coz you’ll still have dipshits like Nuala and Brendan telling us that the stats show this needs to be done and 7 people gathering is now dangerous and you’re better off hiding under the bed.

Bump the seething thread please.


I agree with the general idea of what you’re saying but I think the big problem is these stupid inconsistencies that keep cropping up are making a big laugh of the whole thing and devaluing what should be a very serious message. The danger level between having pubs with no food open and not has been far out weighed by the big joke it has made of the whole thing to the point where people don’t take it seriously any more.
15 at training but three times that many can gather to play a match is the latest in a long line.
Maybe it’s a communication problem but they’re making a fuck of it and people are losing trust.

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Ah Tassotti is box office in fairness.

Mass global hysteria. It’s actually pretty common. See the last few global recessions for examples.


This tweet sums up the sheet ridiculousness of it all


ye were laughing at John Bull six weeks ago lads when ye thought he was making a balls of it and laughing when I told a crowd of dangerous nutcases where advising the Irish government, well ye are not laughing now


the whole thing is a cod

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I’m only popping in to have a say.

Sorry for disrupting the circle jerk. Grab a handful

On 9 o clock news GAA asking yer man Glynn to show how GAA matches are such a danger

The Govt has “lost the dressing room” of public opinion

Any mention of meat factories/direct provision is the Govt bleetings

Simon Harris can take a running jump “this is not a drill” he says


Did you ever consider running for public office?

It’s stark when the numbers are put into perspective. 150k people die every day and we just get on with life. 4k are dying of covid (supposedly) and governments have cracked down on very basic personal freedoms all in the name of protecting us. And this is cheered on, ney, enforced by idiots on social media everywhere. It is mass hysteria.