Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

By the by @anon67715551, in my seethe I hope all will be well for your daughter and the rest of your family. It’s obvious this thing is not going away and people absolutely do need to keep doing the right thing and stay safe. That’s first and foremost.


I’m trying to figure out what you’re so angry with mate.

You’ve been working away, steady income
You can drink away, and get a bit of grub
You can go wherever you want
You have no kids
You aren’t married.

You are literally as flexible as a man can be. Right now, you can do whatever the fuck you want. Why all the angst?

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I am deeply concerned about my country and what is happening to it. I believe we are destroying tens of thousands of lives to protect a much smaller amount. I believe all these restrictions will be among the biggest mistakes this state has ever made (long term).
And I believe the restrictions themselves are illogical and borderline contradictory.

That has me angry


They’re trying to implement national policies, in a reduced timeframe and selfish cunts expect them to have the minutiae to a detail where it doesn’t affect them individually.

If theres one thing this has shown up is how fucking selfish and entitled we are as a society

You can go to a restaurant with randomers but you can’t go to visit your parents and eat dinner.

So you’re outraged on behalf of Ireland. Good man. That’s a healthy mindset

Best of luck boxty hopefully negative or at least asymptomatic. I’ll chip in for the prestigious hoodie

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You seem to be angry that others are angry

Lookit, that reads like those elderly people who worked their holes off, raised families and paid taxes to build the society we have today can go and fucking bunker down now?

The Government has to protect the vulnerable. That is unquestionable but the rationale must also be fair and proven with facts.

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They are terrified of Breda and nuala after some lad had to quit a job because he went on holidays to Italy in full compliance with government regulations but the ‘optics’ were bad so twitter decreed he had to go. But the empty vessels on twitter were never called out when they should have been, now they are literally costing lives.

I’m not. I could lie and say I’m concerned for you but I’m not. I couldn’t give two fucks about you to be honest. But, you used to be a humourous whimsical poster, I’d often laugh at you. You now seem to be stuck in an outrage loop and you do nothing but bitch and moan.

Its annoying

No mate, all the pubs fault. esp the ones closed for over 5 months now

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That’s completely unconstitutional. The guards cannot enter your home unless given permission from the residents or with warrant from the district Court. Same applies to noise complaints

Any word from the VFI?

Put me on ignore then

I could out-do McJockstrap if I got the fucking thing. Uttered in jest I might add. I was talking to my daughter there, she’s calmed down somewhat. It of course makes a balls of their family life, work etc.
I’m operating a theory of pouring a whiskey, check can you detect the aroma and if so - you’re good - swallow. I’ve tested myself 5 times since 7pm and I’m still sound as a pound.


I don’t do that. When you come out of this and get back to being funny I want to be there.

Donnelly saying it without saying it Schools schools schools, this Govt will live or die on how the schools go. My prediction is the latter

Bloke on Prime Time asking the right questions of Donnelly finally.


I forsee a hugely expensive gravy train tribunal in about 2022 on how Mehole Martin & his FF led government absolutely obliterated the economy… once again.