Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

They are complicit by their inaction

Donnelly throwing Minister Norma under the bus here

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People aren’t asking questions. They’re just bitching and moaning about every little thing.

Who are you asking questions to? The public health experts on here? Or the local politicians?

I think it’ll play out the same either way to be honest. Sweden, the US, the UK took em all up front. We are just spreading them out.

Who are you asking questions to?



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I’m asking politicians every day.


Good lads. At least you’re not suffering from an impotent rage.

The chap here on prime time just called it out…the virus doesn’t care about spin…



Multiples of that die every day from obesity. Are we going to start to centrally limit calories.

The searchlight effect. All we see now is Covid.

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Excellent comments there by the lady professor on Prime Time.

She is flabbergasted with the sports decision - everyone’s mental health needlessly affected.

Also ‘vulnerability’ needs to be much better defined she says.

Opportunity…Big Pharma have created or been handed a Bio-Chemistry version of a Space Race situation here. Gilead, Pfizer etc etc will inevitably win out here.

Will anyone ask this Tomas Ryan lad how we achieve zero cases with an open border with another state who isn’t. Or how he thinks we fully open up if we ever get there without cases rising again. He is misleading people.


They’ll row back on the sports one yet. It’s fucking bizarre


This one about the guards entering your house is really grinding my gears, a quick google gleaned the following:

Article 40.5 of our Constitution provides that “the dwelling of every citizen is inviolable and shall not be forcibly entered save in accordance with law”.

The inviolability of the family home is not only enshrined in our Constitution, but also in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Article 7 of the Charter provides that everyone has the right to respect for his or her private and family life, home and communications.

Am I right in thinking passing a law to allow guards to enter your property would be insufficient and a constitutional amendment by way of a referendum of the people would be needed also?

I’m fuming over this one more than any it should bring down this omnishambles of a government.

The gga not taking this sitting down

This is a great debate on prime time

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I’ve been engaging in considered discource with politicians and and jouros for over 2 months. Quite a few are beginning to listen too. This Govt has thrown all it’s eggs in the schools basket, that much is obvious. What is also clear is that they are becoming increasingly divided. It’s schools or bust for them, trust me