Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

He’ll slip me through the presidential security like a good man

Lad still defending this Govt at this point would want a serious word with themselves


The worst part of it all is people are so short sighted plenty of them think this all has an expiry date like a magical reset button will be pressed at 00.00 on January 1st and it’s over. This horrible, eerie, Twighlight zone episode will continue so long as it remains a threat to the entire human population and we are stuck in its horrendous Groundhog day limbo of figures, stats, talks of vaccines and the whole rotten rest of it.


Not proceeding with the Leaving Cert was the worst decision of the lot (apart from the appalling treatment of those in nursing homes obviously).

Bottling out of the exams has created one problem after another from which they’ve never recovered. If the political will was there the exams could still have progressed in a safe environment.

Since then every issue has been predicated by “well if the exams couldn’t take place…”

Wait for the wailing after the predicted grades in a few weeks…



Jesus, I just read a few of the comments in that thread, most of them berating him saying schools should not open, it’s too risky! The micks have lost their minds, wtf is going on.

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Useless Micheal.

“The totality of this is about surprising the virus.” - Micheál Martin.

Jesus wept.

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Even if he used the correct word it’s still moronic.


Fucking hell, are we still allowing tweets from this UUCOAM

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Varadkar is one sly cunt all the same.
Martin walking straight into every trap though.


I was out for a few drinks last night. Did I miss anything here?

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@Tassotti I have three hundred lads with sticks ready to go. Just say the word and we’ll take control.


Totality is the new overarching

Quelle surprise. That hefty teacher on the news Monday night didn’t look too enthusiastic at all about reopening.

Would you have confidence that they won’t make a balls of it?