Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

There needs to be a full 6 week national lockdown according to Brendan on clare fm

The guards are going to kick in the doors of my auld lads house at half ten in the evening and tell him go to bed. This is what it is coming to. @EstebanSexface loving it

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You are 100% correct on this. Caused confusion and frustration now.

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Don’t worry mate, if it’s ever used it will be done so in extreme situations,

Please don’t be getting yourself worried

I think it was the great Democrat Joseph Goebbels who once said “If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear” hard to argue


Aye, be a good little boy and roll over and take it

No it doesn’t matter whether its used or not, they are implementing laws that are unconstitutional, they can say its needed now and temporarily but they’ll do this once and will set precedents for it to happy again. We have bent over enough to comply to guidance as a whole in this country and we are rewarded by removing a constitutional right.


When you consider some of the crooks, ghouls, Brutons and fascists he is competing against for this honour that is quite an achievement by Mehole


He’s like a a lad who dreams of playing an AI Final and is subbed off after ten minutes. He’d have been better off never togging off.


Will you ever stop, don’t be worrying about this at all, and your auld constitution, like you’d give a fuck if it suited you,

It’s emergency legislation for emergency situations in emergency times,
Please don’t try to deal with reality and talk about Gardai kicking down the door of people having a few neighbours around, hysterical bullshit


Who’s being more hysterical here?

If your so flippant about your rights go ahead accept it, drink the soup. Removing our rights for emergency powers is bollocks. Emergency powers for what has been a relatively low death rate virus. All measures brought in since May has been made with bad data and government deflection. Of course I don’t trust the cunts. Meat factorys who have ffg in their pockets, DP (which is a human rights issue facilitated by the Irish government for 20 years) and low wages/expensive housing has created the rise in case. Yet its the gaa and young people having house partys are the problem.


How in Gods name did my post inspire that retort?

You’re comparing the Government to Nazi Germans and trying to do it with a straight face.

Come back to me when the Gardai use these powers inappropriately.
Maybe we need a referendum every Friday, sure the schools are closed anyway

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Going by the what’s app flying around they are just randomly kicking in doors as they please.

In fairness 200 people or no people at a club match doesn’t make a whole lot of a difference but almost as a rule it’s the little things that bring down a government. Like the vat on children’s shoes.


School is back this day week bai!

Not that you’d know it from the soundings from government

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We haven’t heard anything from the primary school since June.
We’ve no idea what’s happening.

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Are ye doing any preparations for the schools reopening?

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I’m actually more surprised the guards didn’t have any power to break up house parties already. They broke up plenty when I was in college

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It is this that is pissing people off the most. The virus is running rampant through meat factories and those living in overcrowded conditions but rather than tackle this problem the government decide to restrict the movements of everyone else. This is were this government have lost the people.

They could have closed the meat factories for a week or 2 and made these companies deep clean the factories and then set them up as best they can to abide by the restrictions and minimise the chances of spreading the virus but God forbid they do anything that may impact on these companies profits.

Imagine the inspectors of the facilities are calling them to give them advance notice that they will be around in a couple of hours to do an inspection. Load of bollox.