Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Yes, do you want me to go through it here?
I’ll be in the school most days this week getting the room ready, we’re starting back on Monday to get ready for the kids on Thursday, strange times ahead


Ah ffs… Young lad is going into juniors… Open day for them yday to meet the teachers and see classroom etc… There is 36 for junior infants (in a small rural school!) so they have an extra teacher got and are splitting the class in two and have an additional classroom made in the hall

All v well organised and calm yday… Met the principal… She just said we don’t know exactly how this is going to work out but we are ready to go and as long as everyone is a bit flexible we will be OK… Whether she believed it or not I don’t know but she is putting on a brave face anyway


They legally cant do it and if they arrest someone after entering uninvited or without warrant it’ll be thrown out in court. What student knows this tbf? Its the same with noise complaints all they can do is ask you to turn down the noise

I agree the meat factories is a shambles… But closing them for two weeks on a minutes notice has far longer reaching impact than just on the staff there… The supply chain would be in tatters… Farmers holding onto cattle for an extra two weeks etc

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That’s all she can do.

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have the school received any direction from the department of education on how the school should set up or is this something that has been put together by the school management?

Only asking because we got an email from the primary school my kid is starting in next week and from what they said was that they are implementing social distancing measures themselves as they have had nothing from the department.

just asking like

Seems a bit mad. So my neighbours could have a party on a Monday night with 100 people there music blaring and guards can do nothing? Jaysis

We got the return school protocols yesterday. Schools starts staggered and kids not to be left unattended in school grounds nor parents to enter school.grounds. Thankfully mine can walk but with staggered start times and boys/girls schools in different locations, going to be a juggling act for some families.

Confirmation no sport or extra curricular activities for term 1. PE in hall limited. Lunch in bubbles for 20 mins yard time. Staggered leaving and no hanging around school area, immediately head home.

Scratch off a year of your childhood there. Will all be worth it.

When the constitution was written there was no such thing as amplification, handy out for when you want to blast tunes at 4 am, the world was a very different place in 1937, gas that we can’t see that sometimes

I think the school is acting on vague direction from the dept @tazdedub, the buildings are all unique, management knows them, most guidelines are common sense, but it’ll be difficult implementing with children


Yup I lived with a fella who ended up having a house party every Saturday night. There was a poor women 3 doors down that worked Sunday morning. We had the guards at the door at 5 am every week. Tbf he had a big one for his 30th last year and offered to pay for a hotel room for the night

Iv zero issue with the cops having the power to break up house parties… Covid aside altogether


That’s fair enough I agree, but they don’t unless they have a warrant. They can ask or file reports that can be accessed by landlords or council if you dont own the house

Sure that’s fuck all good to anyone

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They don’t have to shut them all at once. They start with worst affected shut them down, clean them and set them up correctly then to minimise the spread and then move onto the next set on the list. Wouldn’t be too much impact to the supply chain then.

Sorry mate, I don’t really want to extend this but it appears to be a constitutional right to have noisy house parties at any hour or day of the week, that constitution is a bit of a joke and those articles need to be addressed.

But again, you won’t have Gardai kicking down any doors, that’s just not going to happen except in the most ridiculously extreme cases

I fucking hate house parties, even worse when you get some guitar wanker starting up. There was one here were I live at the weekend and there was war outside the gaff at 2 in the morning.

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School here is pissing me off too. Only got word on Friday of when they are opening, even though most guessed (Sept 1st, the principal there has a rule that they never go back until the first day of September, regardless of what day of the week that is). But the rules they are setting out themselves, different to anywhere I’ve heard yet

  • not allowed to bring in their own lunch, must avail of the freshtoday free lunch (which doesnt bother me anyway, its good quality and handy). But many are furious over this.
  • not allowed to bring anything in or back from school. No schoolbags, no books, no copies, no stationary. Not allowed bring anything in or out.
  • to facilitate this, we have to buy a 35l clear plastic box so the kids can store all their stuff.
  • not allowed bring a coat into school. If they want a coat, it has to stay in school.
  • sounds like they are going to cancel all sporting activities too. No PE, no GAA/soccer/rugby activities
  • interestingly, it seems like she is not cancelling all the extra curricular music and drama classes though. Indoor, large groups, compulsory extra payment to an external music teacher. But outdoor sporting activities for free is cancelled.
  • no plan for another lockdown. Last time was a disgrace. We were being sent notes to do a page in a book. Then the next day it was to do the next page, and so on. And it took the teacher about 3 weeks to realise that all the books were in school, despite people telling her this. Not one online communication or interaction with kids. Not one aspect of viewing work or keeping an eye on how kids were going. The work we were given for a week took our girl about an hour, maybe 2 hours max. so it was a complete wast of time.

The majority of my ire right now is for my kids. They had just got back to playing games. Young lad played his first ever hurling blitz on Sunday and it was brilliant. Lots of kids out playing, not a care in the world and parents able to get out and actually have some enjoyment for a change. I run a nursery coaching thing on Saturdays too. We’ve had about double the normal amount of children this year than any other year, and even this week I’m getting texts from parents in neighbouring parishes who are wanting to join it. The kids love it, it gets them out and having some fun.

And I just hear the fucking news now. Lead headline “Hundreds of cases of the corona virus would have happened if these new measures were not brought in”. Project fear continues unabated. Report on facts, not on speculation.


Me neither, but I’d draw a clear distinction between one that is, say, 7 lads drinking cans harming no one and something verging on project x. If a guard thinks there are 7 people in your home know, can he or she just enter? I’d be very worried if that was the case

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Never heard of this