Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from


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Have the GAA been slapped down for their tantrum yesterday yet?

Have a quick read of an article on it. They supervised and supported an illegal and violent eviction. I have friends in the guards but I wouldn’t trust them as an organisation to show good judgement.


When things were good during the summer and cases were down to single figures we still had project fear. Zero Covid Island representatives were given plenty of airtime and there were many pronouncements from government to drum up more fear. It has been a culture of blame. Blaming different age demographics, blaming different industries and interest groups. “We are all in this together” seems like a distant memory.

Its a lot to do with a fragmented government but mostly due to over saturation of doomsday merchants on media for last 6 months. They have really shifted attitudes and behaviors. There are many people who are impervious to this but equally there are many who are not. The government allied by the media have really made a rod for their own back insofar that we can never really expect to live with the virus now as there will be so many people against this notion. Meanwhile the rest of Europe and the world edge closer to the way it was.


This lad decided to intervene and be a bit condescending. In his attempt the dozy bollix tweeted the wrong Ronan Glynn though.



And I thought that he was one of the better ones.

Thanks for reassuring me. Roll out whatever laws ye like lads.

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The birds father is ex principal in Wexford and when they were explaing it to me last week couldn’t believe it. Every kid in school gets a prepared lunch. Brilliant scheme just wonder not been rolled.out everywhere.

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Sure why have you curtains in your house? Privacy. That’s why people.feel.uneasy. that law allows them barge in if they should so wish.

Doing nothing is very different to kicking doors down though, incompetent or not I can see no situation where these laws are imposed unless in ridiculously pisstaking situations, I’d I’m wrong I’ll eat humble pie,

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The Gardai called to the home of a woman I know in Wexford in one of the earlier phases to give her a warning when one of her neighbours reported seeing a non-household member going into the house. :joy:


Lads, rat out your neighbours to the peelers if you think they’ve got 7 people in their livingroom.

The law hasn’t been passed yet. It has to pass the attorney general and then the Dail. Project reverse fear in full swing here

By whom ??

The law won’t be passed because it is an unconstitutional pile of bollox. They won’t even try.


We now live in a police state where people are itching to rat out their neighbours — if that’s not operation fear, I dont know what is.


Protect spin you mean. It won’t be in until Dail resumes in mid September. We’ll all be dead by then except for you and @mikehunt

The guy on Prime Time nailed Donnelly on this last night.

Dail sits next AFTER the period of these restrictions have passed!!

That’s fucking ridiculous. Donnelly got reamed last night