Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Mark Coughlan is his name.


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I don’t agree fully with all the restrictions as they relate to me either mate. We live in a society or at least we’re supposed to.

All I’m seeing is a bunch of entitled cunts expecting to be micro governed so they don’t have to suffer in any way from a pandemic which is affecting the entire globe.

Suck it fucking up.

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How fucking poor was that slaphead cunt Donnelly last night?

Apart from his bluster on these laughable new measures, the end summed it up when he was asked about the Leaving Cert.

Yes, education is not his brief but it’s completely normal to ask a government minister a question about another topical issue that’s concerning the public and the government, and to expect a coherent response.

He outright said he had no idea because he’s been looking after COVID only. A complete joker.


Think youll find its the opposite, people have tired of being micro-governed as youve called. I dont think people would mind so much if there was clarity and consistency across the decision-making. We simply do not have that and are expected to continue to take leadership from a pack of bluffers.

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And to think he was a breath of fresh air to politics when first elected in 2’11. Give me the Healy Raes Lowry Michael Ring Mattie McGrath etc at least you know what you get with them


Ya I genuinely thought he was a very impressive politician when he broke through initially. The more politics he’s been exposed to, the worse he’s gotten

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you can be stopped on the street now by a guard and asked what you are doing and where you are going

Tell em nothing kid

Politics is a very easy game from the cheap seats .

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Personally I fully recognise that we are in a pandemic. I also accept that as much as we want to wish it away, if doesn’t make it so. We are up against it.

But one thing which annoys the fuck out of me is the people tasked, and getting paid, to deal with this constantly putting the blame and emphasis towards the people of this country in relation of outbreaks. They side step and patently refuse to answer reasonable questions in relation to the logic behind they’d decisions. It is also quite clear that mistakes are occurring, in relation to testing and tracing and missing the glaring issues with meat factories and direct provision centres. It is frankly an insult to the people of this country, at the most critical of times.

I don’t think many people in this country would have an issue with having to take continued measures but there needs to be a feel of a competent government behind it to bring people along. That simply isn’t there, through their own actions and the lack of respect they are showing the Irish people.


Surely not? Wasn’t his omission from cabinet seen as a snub to the greatest mind in the country

All I’m seeing is a government lacking the courage to tackle the actual source of the new clusters like meat processing plants and DPC’s. Instead they slap more meaningless contradictory restrictions on easy targets.

My wife has lost her job due to covid. I am on 60% of my salary. I’ve no bother sucking it up but I reserve the right to call out hypocrisy and cowardice in our leaders in between sucks.


He’s been shite from the cheap seats for a long time too though.
The snout in the trough takes the edge off

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I could live with restrictions if things were being done properly - i’ve said this from the off. The rest of Europe is moving forward, with plans. We’ve taken a hokey pokey approach, one foot in, one foot out. For me the issue has always been the spin and the projecting blame onto the public when it’s clear the gov are playing games and not putting proper measures in place in time… we are still making a fuck of testing and tracing – 5 months later.


Actually, it isn’t when you’re the police service.

It should have been in his briefing.

im a bit late to the table here but of all these new " cases" of late has anyone actually gotten or felt sick i wonder? as in they needed a day off or couldnt go for a run or what not?
is the phrase " ah shur nobody died" actually apt for now?

im not trying to suggest the whole thing is a load of absolute bollox but given that most ppl who died were already in the departure lounge in a nursing home have we actually totally lost the absolute run of ourselves lads?


I know you’re not a big fan of Leo but he seemed to be completely against what went on yesterday. Maybe he needed to be more vocal but I think he’s the best man we have other than the likes of Martin who is way out of his depth.

We’re fucked.