Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Leo is doing what he did when in cabinet previously. Shouting from the sidelines. He is a bluffer. When in charge all his sound bytes went out the window. Actually knowing what it’s like to wear the crown and default back to edgy Leo makes him a cunt more than a bluffer.
He has more hot air in him than Steve Fossetts missing corpse.

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In a choice between Leo and Mick — there is no choice. I’d murder Leo ordinarily but i’d drink cans with him in the park with my top off to get him back instead of Martin … I said all this months ago.

In no particular order, sensible figures within the GAA, politicians, journalists, right-minded people.

The restrictions are a bit stupid and hard to understand but it’s no way for a sporting organisation to behave effectively looking to summon a civil servant to explain themselves to them. It was petulant, ill-judged and fairly selfish.

The reality here is that no government is going to fly in the face of medical /scientific advice for fear things take even the slightest turn for the worse

a threat of an audit would have them fucking off sharpish

Except when it comes to international travel. The government have been ignoring NPHET advice on this for months

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But that’s the thing - when everything looked hunky dory a few months back Varadkar over-ruled NPHET to open things back up.

It’s the selective decision making which is causing ire. Cherry picking which parts of NPHET’s advice to listen to and which parts to disregard.

Larry Goodman still has free reign to do as he wishes in his plants but people can’t stand outside in the fresh air at a match. It’s ludicrous.

if the meat factories close down, farmers get stuck with cattle and the supply chain breaks down.

If you can’t go to a match, errm, you get to stay at home and have a cup of tea, the match still goes ahead.

People can’t seem to differentiate between important/not important. Important for you isn’t important for Society at large.

The thread above with that professor bloke, people are actually throwing schools under the bus because they can’t go to a GAA match. Selfish fucking pricks

I think this government is dead on it’s feet. Everything they do is met with derision. They aren’t behaving too differently to the previous government, in my opinion but they are fucked. They can’t do right for doing wrong. I think we need an election

That’s the nub of it. Asking a medic if there is a safe level of Covid is like asking a medic is there a safe level of smoking or drinking. And NPHET is stuffed to the gills with medics. The government realistically can’t adopt all of their guidelines so they have to pick and choose the low hanging fruit because they can’t ignore all of the advice either because inevitably there will be a reckoning when all of this is done.


The GAA books are audited every year

Mazars audit the GAA

He got his nose in the trough now like the rest of 'em

Ehhhhh, the farmers closed the meat plants themselves a few months ago.


Is Ireland now a

  • Medical dictatorship
  • Police state
  • Mix of both

0 voters

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Getting out, socialising safely and meeting people at community events is very very important for society at large.


was it in front of the Killinan end terrace Hoolahan wanted to set up the temprorary morgue?

Of course it was selfish but surely they are entitled to see the evidence . A public tweet probably wasn’t the best way in hindsight .

you can still do that, there just won’t be a match on.

they were temporary strikes. Long term closures due to covid could lead to meat shortages.

People laughed and mocked John waters a few months back but he has been proven to be 100 percent correct.

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