Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

I wonder was he as windy on the soccer pitch?

what’s good for the goose ,etc
i was talking to the father there - he works in a post office as Kev pointed out to the forum in 2013 - he told me that he sees old people loosing their confidence and aging - they are afraid to go outside the door, cant go to a match, go for a walk, a pint, lads its fucking awful, yoy are taking away these lads reason to live sending them home and isolating them inside - fuck it this virus did damage in a nursing homes - thats a fact, country needs to learn from that and move on - older people who are not in this positon and fit and well do not need to be locked up they arent in a nursing home for a reason

look ive no sympathy for single lads in their 20s and 30s moaning about this lockdown - 6 months is nothing at this age, get a job, start studying, set up your own business, get out an do volunteer work, use your brain, your ingenuity - the freedom you have at this age is incredible and you’ll never have it again but at this age we just dont have the depth of perspective to see this- just fucking adapt.
look i think these restrictions are beyond daft with very little credible supporting data as the highest impactor was nursing homes ( THEREFORE IMPLEMENT RESTRICTIONS THERE) but it it what it is now… and we have to just roll with the punches

for me old people have the biggest case to be pissed off
what is been done to them is a fucking crime tbh
these restrictions now are daft , nobody is dying, nobody is sick - we know the vunerable in nursing homes are the problem - they need to be protected and locked in ( aren they already FFS


One of the beef experts can confirm but I think there is a penalty on farmers if they hold the bullocks too long

this says different

there has been a load of talk about the restrictions on elderly. Sure @carrharry was in a massive back and forth with a load of people about how the restrictions are limiting elderly and there way of life is fucked now.


I think it’s a 30 month age limit.

If we can change the constitution to give the Guards powers to raid your gaff without a warrant. Then I think we could overcome this obstacle



Look, since the latest round of restrictions were introduced the main bug bear has been the fact you can’t go watch a match, not that over 70’s have once again been thrown under the bus by being told to stay at home and alter their behaviour.

It’s as simple as this, we were tipping along grand, people got complacent and the cases have risen to the point where something needed to be done. The government are trying to alleviate this rise with as little touch as possible on the economy and have a focus on getting schools back, which is a good thing, a massively important thing, yet they are being ridiculed for prioritising schools.

If the government hadn’t introduced these measures, and in 1 month we were forced into phase 1 because there was no alternative, the schools wouldn’t open, people would be apoplectic at the lack of action. They do something and people are apoplectic at the action taken.

This is very similar to my own situation currentlay.

My zen is hanging by a thread.

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There is an alternative. Proper and prompt testing and contact tracing. Ensuring there’s adequate capacity in the health service. Putting systems in place to protect those that are vulnerable. We’ve had 6 months to get this right. How do you think we have done on the above?


And, eh, focusing measures on the areas where outbreaks have actually arisen.


not good enough, it wasn’t good enough when Hoolohan was there and it certainly isn’t good enough now. What’s the uptake been like on the covid tracker app? Have they pushed it? People don’t seem to be using it.

the trace/test/isolate ship sailed a long time ago, it’s difficult anyway with the asymptomatic carrier nature of it, so it isn’t 100% foolproof.

given the parameters of what they are working in, these new measures, in my opinion aren’t overly excsessive and if they succeed in keeping us from going backwards to a lockdown or get the schools open, then they’ve achieved something

but you’re missing my point, these measures do not help schools, they are actually causing more argument to not open up schools. How on one hand can they say no public transport. But tell kids they can use public transport. Children are effectively now not allowed play sport outdoors, but can can congregate with larger numbers indoors. Wear masks, but not in schools. Only people from 3 households can gather together and no more than 6. But a classroom will have 5 times that number from 30 different households. Why is not safe outside school but safe inside school? The way it was going was already leaving doubt on schools and fear from parents and teachers. What they have done now has increased that fear for a lot of people who want to know why its now not considered safe outdoors outside a school setting, but safe indoors with greater numbers.

I have also not seen anywhere, either online or here, where they are ridiculed for prioritising schools. Its not one thing or another, and this is very, very close to the argument that if you question the restrictions, then you want people dead. Questioning these restrictions is not a questioning of the school reopening.


Like locking down Kildare, Offaly and Laois, which was met with derision?

schools have been given priority.

Meat processing plants, direct provision centres, for example, as opposed to banning parents from attending kids’ sport matches.

No offence, mate, but you were screaming about transgender people impinging on your rights a couple of months ago. Yet here we have NPHET and the government actually restricting people’s capacity to work, socialise and engage in their hobbies on the back of flimsy or no evidence, and you’re all but cheerleading it.

I think you’re coming across as an absolute simpleton to be fair.


I would have no problem with the limits being imposed on gatherings in a house for example. The cases are high so something needs to be done.

But there are a lot of utterly bizarre ones. The sports one obviously but also the public transport where there was a big drive to wear masks and we were getting compliant there.

Anyway, the big point is that there is now a real danger that the people in charge of getting us through this crisis are utterly incompetent and it may end up prolonging our pain in relation to the situation, or worse.

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And yet you are on here criticising lads for pointing this out!!

Given priority on one side, while attempts to reduce community transmission on the other side with clampdown measures without realising that it is the same bloody environment in both cases.

it’s hard to know whether or not they are competent because the results haven’t been seen yet, they are derided before any outcome. People have come to the conclusion that they know better.

@EstebanSexface at the Kerry border in a week’s time