Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

You never fail to disappoint.

And fairly early too - you’d expect some sort of honeymoon period!

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You were called hysterical for diving headfirst into Godwins Law

You are naive if you believe Gardai will only use any added powers to break up houseparties

Governments who cherrypick the parts of the consitiution they like or don’t like are anti democratic. This sets a less than ideal precedent imo

Goebbels was mentioned earlier, that’s what drew me in, so forget your Godwin’s law please

The Irish media are a thundering disgrace, whipping up project fear, ffs look at the weather forecast for tonight for the west, you’d swear thousands are going to die, alert level red, people camping out are going to die, no wonder the country is the way it is

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Very naive

Evian is naive spelled backwards


would anyone be in favour of full six week lockdown to try and get rid of this thing for once and for all?

We would like 6 months. We love lockdown.


Get rid of the economy is it?

Could you check with Peru there and see how that’s working out for them

Wuhan hasn’t had a case since the middle of May :thinking:

The cunts had a massive pool party the other day

My son has a cold. But his work insisted that he gets tested for Covid. So I’ve to sit at home until he gets his result according to the HSE guidelines. Once schools open, this will cause mayhem.
Didn’t mind lockdown as weather was grand but not on days like today. It’s going to be one long winter.

@Tierneevin1979 has there ever been much study into asymptomatic flu infection rates?

Give him half and hour and he’ll have it made up.


your son works :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

im getting old

As far as I know there is scant evidence that asymptomatic individuals can transmit the flu, they may have the virus and even shed it but not infect others. I haven’t seen a lot of compelling evidence that asymptomatic carriers of Covid infect others either, what has been seen is that they can have as high a viral load as people who are sick. The WHO have made contradictory statements on it.

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