Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Enter this door. Exit that door. I tell ye lads I must have met myself three or four times today coming and going

All I needed was a strong cup of tea.

Going by the levels of asymptomatic cases being detected during widespread testing it must be fair to assume there is some level of transmission by asymptomatic people?

I think that’s reasonable, the speed that infections raced through cities like New York before any restrictions were put in place would support it as well. It’s difficult to distinguish between asymptomatic and presymptomatic though, maybe there’s some threshold you have to reach in terms of viral load to be infectious.

How the fuck do you think I feel!!!


On the flip side then you have it spreading quickly through factories, but there is often situations where people in the same house hold don’t even infect each other.


8 more cases in O’Brien “Fine” Foods in Timahoe


Timahoe, Co Kildare

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It was always suspected that asymptomatic people could spread it. There was a US governor a few months ago, I think he might have been in Georgia, who was widely ridiculed for saying that he’d just learned rhat asymptomatics could spread it.

All underage games cancelled here. What do they think young lads and girls are going to be doing if there’s no matches or training going on?

The GAA have allowed one guardian inside the gates, play the fucking games and let the kids have some fun.


Question for those of you who have played competitive sports? Was mentioned weeks ago but don’t recall any debate.
There was a lady on liveline said that it is terribly disappointing for lads to be playing matches with no spectators, as if it wasn’t even worth their while,

Personally it wouldn’t have bothered me in the least, not one bit more f there was anybody there or not, surely you play for the enjoyment you get from the game and the canraderie with your team mates.

It’s a pity that people can’t see matches but I don’t think it will bother players, am I wrong?

The evidence seems to suggest if you are in a confined space for a significant length of time with an infected person you are likely to get it, whether you get sick or not is another question. A lot of people seem to have T cell immunity, maybe from prior coronavirus infections.

You’re not wrong. You’re right.

Wouldn’t bother me too much anyway. Of course there’s great adrenaline rush playing a final when the vociferous crowd would nearly be in on the pitch but generally wouldn’t play in front of big crowds anyway. You’d feel for the ould club stalwarts who’d even be up on the bank watching training.

Your bang on there, anything outside the white lines made fuck all difference to me.

Players don’t care in the slightest. Might be a bit different now maybe as it’s gone completely behind closed doors but I doubt it

Always suspected yes, but the open question is whether they actually transmit it like people with symptoms. They don’t cough or sneeze due to symptoms for starters, so common sense would suggest they don’t spread the virus like people who do.

Lads does anyone not find it absolutely bizarre they’re making these decisions that effect millions of people over a 2/3 hr meeting. Fuck sake I’ve been at meetings for 2 hrs where nothing gets discussed. Why would all restrictions not get discussed and debated properly. This would takes days if done properly

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