Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Walking on my hands would be an awful imposition personally.

I know a lad who has one arm longer than the other, he tried that but kept going around in circles.

Also at the start when she introduced him, Mick said something like “How are you Mary”

She ignored and didn’t answer

Bad manners

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is it an overarching need to go to the party?


The hand washing was always going to be relaxed once it became apparent that the virus wasn’t the killer it was believed to be at the beginning when we were being frightened by the island of bodies in New York. I don’t believe that many people are now following the advised approach to hand hygiene, i often forget to wash my hands when coming in from outside, i don’t think I’m unusual in that. When i go into shops now i notice people in general only use the hand sanatisers when they are being supervised, usually they are straight in and pawing goods.
The masks are blindingly obvious, they are there for all to see and to give some level of comfort to people who are overly nervous, we can talk about hand hygiene and sneezing etiquette being enough till the cows come home but many people will only pay lip service to it,

how many times a day does conehead say “inherently”? is he trying to set a Guinness book of work records for saying it?

dying? nobody is even coughing
“asymptomatic” they call it to add a bit of context - of all the so called positive cases so far what % are asympotmatic -? id hazard a guess at north of 95% - ie this thing has no impact on the population and there is six months of data to support the argument from a decent set of what 25k positive cases?
people do not get sick from this virus in the mainstream

as you stated correctly it horribly got into a subset of the population , those aged and vunerable in nursisng homes with tragic consequences , the reality now is learning from that and keeping it out of there by locking them down completely and also the realisation that those who were going to die probably have,

its seems pretty fucking simple to me


The test is the cod, its testing for a genetic marker a percentage of the population had before this virus even existed ffs.

Dr. Ronan Spin


you can skew data anyway you want
the deaths from this are heavily weighted to aged and infirm in nursing homes, it is no way reflective of general population but yet it is portrayed as such

we need to see data of % asymptimatic from the 25k cases and see what the break is - of course that will never be published as it goes against the narrative -
and if you wanted the real asympotmatic picture test say a subset of people ( maybe 20k) showing no symptoms and see how many actually test positive for the thing, that would make interesting reading if the positive results are high

its an absolute joke lads what shambolic analysis

these lads are closing down meat factories where you have tough lads in there working 70 hour weeks and the virus is the least of their worries- id imagine feeding their kids is
maybe if thought was put into locking down the locations where the vunerable ppl are such as nursing homes, and supplying staff with decent PPE instead of shuttering gah pitches where you have 9 year olds running about some good could be done

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Apparently the Chinese tested everybody in Wuhan after a further outbreak in April, I dunno were the results ever published but surely that type of data would be very useful.

Face masks are a sham. An easy way to identify to compliant sheeple over those that have a brain and can think for themselves. There is sufficient scientific evidence to confirm that face masks are a waste of time and detrimental to the environment.
@backinatracksuit Are you going to teach with your face mask on? Are you going to force kids to wear them in your classroom? Will you deprive them of their education if they refuse?

it would - obviously one needs to keep an open mind regarding the integrity of any data that comes out of that place but i do think it is a worthwhile exercise

It wouldn’t be written with government input but advice or recommendations would be flagged in advance at the minimum, or discussed and revised, before they would be put on paper and sent and formalised.

My hands are tied on that issue mate. I’d rather not discuss the children under my care but I will need to wear a visor or mask to teach, I haven’t worn the visor before but I suspect it will be more suitable.

Very passive aggressive line of questioning if you don’t mind me saying


I presume you are going to the shop with no mask and a MAGA hat instead.

I read an interesting article recently and thought of you.
It was around how a group of Chinese hackers had been infiltrating all the main Taiwanese semi conductor companies and stealing their IP.

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That’s just idiotic. Most countries disagree and require wearing of masks, the likelihood that they’re all wrong and you’re right is slim.

The bigger problem is that NPHET got it wrong and took so long to introduce the mask requirement.

Reading there that the population had an increase of 1.1% in April :grinning:

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there is a whole new thread in that
TSMC (Taiwan semiconductor manfacuring corp) basically have had to wash their hands of Huaweii in public and are now building a huge fabrication facility in Arizona
TSMC are basically a foundry who build stuff for AMD ARM NVidia samasung, etc - thing is IP is gone once you are in a foundry really as everyonce can see the designs if you are working on the process manufacturing, trade secrets are a thing of the past

look the industry is down at the 5nm gate lenght now - TMSC are the only fab who can manufacture those designs , the chinese want that