Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

The chinese take in thousands of computer science graduates every year into the military and train them as hackers, which counts towards their military service. They’re fucked out after a few years before the next wave comes in. They’re ten a penny on the dark web trying to make a few quid.


This government are the equivalent of a manager who’s lost the dressing room. Their inconsistencies will cost lives if something isn’t done fast.

People need to stand up and take control of the situation.

So we’ve had no extra deaths in people under 55 compared to any other year - and now they’re telling us we actually had a population boom during covid :laughing:

You’re missing that any one of those people contracting the virus is a vector for it, and the more people that have it the closer it is to getting to someone vulnerable or aged who it will kill. That’s either very lazy or very stupid of you.


I think most people under 45 now know that if they are to contract it in all likelihood they will be fine. However the worry for me is that I have 2 parents and 2 parents in law who are all definitely in the high risk category then I don’t want to accidentally pass something to them which could kill them.

So while I might be a sheep for wearing a mask or washing my hands, I’ll do it if I think it keeps a bunch of old people alive while Nuala and Breda are mauling their dirty hands all over everything in Super Valu.


no its being practical
where are those located who the virus can kill? they are incarcerated in care homes
can we not absolutely isolate these people and give the staff adequete PPE to reduce transmission? im sure we can
nobody absolutley nobody should be allowed near an old peoples home unless they are donning PPE, this may sound harsh but this will save lives as the data clearly supports the argument - this is where people are dying so keeping the fucking virus out of there has to be of national importance- and that can be done by wearing correct PPE upon entry
this is simple stuff

if folk were getting sick or dying in general pop it may support your argument but there is no data to support the point and if there is it is statistically neglible i would argue - in a noise level

Great. You’ve found a few internet links. I’m sure them and you are more informed than the majority of EU countries that require masks in indoor spaces.

Which do you think is more likely to be true?

Surely, hand washing and sanitisation is more effective in this scenario.

I can wear whatever I want to the shop. That’s the point

As long as you include a mask. That’s the point.

I disagree.

I trust science over politics.

Each country is following scientific advice. You’ve found a few to question it. There’s always differences between experts, but most experts and most countries are coming quite clearly down on one side. Deciding to believe the opposite is silly.

You’re being a bit of a dick about the mask-wearing thing.

It’s no real hardship and apart from the functional effects of reducing spread it also reassures more nervous/vulnerable members of society.


But it’s fine, they’ve made the decision and can now assess the ramifications on it all and see how its progressing and update during the daily Dail sessions and cabinet ministers can meet to keep everything up to date.

Wait, wut???

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I think you are being unfair. There is a strong argument to suggest they have limited effectiveness at best and discourage people from taking more effective action.